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Ask @mariefandubs

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marie tu y yo un dueto piensalo ¬w¬ ok no eso nunca pasara ;u;(??) ok ya ¿como estas? -llenare de nuevo tu ask de spam :v-

Aceptaré tu dueto cuando XXXXXXX acepte el mio (????), estoy bieeeen~ *LLORANDO DESDE EL TOILET*

how can we get to collaborate with you? T-T

I...dont even know myself, cause if you notice I dont do collabs that often, and when I do, I do them with people I know already?...most of them are friends or close friends!~, but..ye I havent even collaborated with some other friends I have- so!, I actually dont know...
I guess getting to know me first!~ feel that gay connection that tells you "IVE FOUND A FRIEND" and maybe one day collab vibes will get to both of us at the same time and BOOM "LETS DUET"...thats how it happens with me at least!~

How jealous are you, on a scale of 0 (not) to 10 (extremely)?

........*SWEATS* Im actually not THAT jealous, I mean..I just get sad and end up doing nothing about it? LOL
Liked by: Osamu☆

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OH MAN OH MAN /////////////// *whatifheseesthisshitomfgimalooklikeafuckingcreeper* um...a...super fun guy, sometimes pervert, with a ridiculous talent at both drawing and singing, megane guy, taller than me...maybe 1.75 *IM SO DONE RIGHT NOW* with a talent with languages as well knowing english, japanese and who knows what more *OKAY IM DONE IM SO FUCKING DO-* 2 years older than me *OKAY DONE*
Liked by: Dean Pope

but still! when I try reading the romaji it sounds like shit..you at least pronounce it, and pronounce it really good!

Thank you! just keep on practicing really!, Im sure you'll get better over time

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I dont get this question um..like choose just one part from the whole world? I choose my kitchen cause damn- *IMSOLAME*

english, spanish, french and japanese......wow..Im kind of jealous of your language ability

I dont know japanese tho! I just read the romaji lol!! *lame*

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whoa I- *googles that thing in cm cause ye* uh.....why would I HAVE to date someone?! that is the question! *ohgod*

that guy must be lucky to be your crush ahha!

not at all! lol! hes-.....man he can get so much better, hes just awesome thats it. Im lucky to be able to listen to him singing (?)

do u stalk someone?

I dont (????) *MY FACEBOOK FRIENDS WILL SHOOT ME* (?) I dont. I just love him very much *ohgod*

asi que...solo los que te conocían de antes saben de donde eres, cuantos años tienes y como te ves fisicamente? porque solo ellos

ese es un buen resumen. Si. Porque? puees no se (???) lol, soy muy cerrada a eso, soy bastante privada ahora con esos temas I guess?

I didnt know you knew french until that last cover of Lie

I do!~ haha...Im..fairly good at it? I dont know lol

Do You Think Blind Dates Are A Good Way To Meet Someone Special?

Zayn Blackburn
uh....I dont know man..I'd be actually scared to go on a date without knowing the other person? LOL - but dk I guess not for me
Liked by: Haylie

oh my god I cant believe you actually never noticed the button things

I...I AM STILL SHOCKED!? I DIDNT KNOW- wha- WHY!? I lived all my life seriously thinking we had the same shirts? I mean...WOW?

como vi todo tu ask en ingles me daba penita preguntarte cosas T-T

nada de pena nada de pena (?) solo que ultimamente recibo nada más en inglich


Language: English