
marie stella 

Ask @mariequek

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Anon. If you're the one who botox then dont be jealous that Marie looks that good without having to do it. Lord what da heck is wrong with this generation these days.

thank youuuuuuuu:-)))

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Would you prefer lesbian vanessa or straight vanessa

same answer as the Daryl one lol. it goes the same to all my friends????

I think shld be alright :) hahaha lets see.. Any day from 1st to 10th April?

HAHAHAHA sure!! :-))) I think i everyday free AHAHHAHAA just set a date and I'll keep it open

first week of April? :) before school starts? hmm, then wadcha gonna wear? :)

HAHAHAHA just shirt and FBTs can right????? (pls say yes)

juz hopefully nth happens to our hair colour :( and okies :) will u wear a bikini? Hahahahaha

yeah:-((((( and I don't think I'll wear a bikini bc I v insecure hahahaha

Have you ever wrestled someone and squeezed them really hard with your legs?


BUT... Im worried about our hair colour :O Hahaa if Marcus comes then will you bring Andre?

OMG SAME!!!!! but actually Andre doesn't really like adventure cove or swimming :-( plus if he's bringing marcus I don't think I'll bring Andre bc want it to be an even number & don't want you to feel out of place:-)

HELLO MAWHEEE we shld go out soon :) with Daryl too before school starts :) if not we might never be able to meet up so often alrdy :(

ya we should AHAHAHAJAJAJAJAA where!!!!

List everything that make you like him?

I can't possibly list down everything ok (ps I'm listing down things I like about him not things that make me like him bc idk what made me like him HAHAHAHA) (and that's like way too many things) but I'll list down some.
1) he's funny
2) he admits his mistakes when he's wrong
3) he works towards improving
4) he's not shallow
5) he can cook muahahahahajajajajajajahaha yay
6) he really really really really cares about me
7) he loves his little sister
8) he loves food so yay can eat lots of food together
and lots of other stuff but I'm quite lazy rn LOL sorz

Andre or Vanessa

I CANT POSSIBLY CHOOSE BOTH. that's like asking Daryl to choose between me and marcus hello. THEY BOTH MEAN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD TO ME. (ofc not in the romantic way for vanessa) BUT YEAH. and although I don't hang out with vanessa as much as I hang out with Andre every time we meet I feel like I can just talk to her about anything ok she's my bffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. and Andre's well, Andre. LOL jk too mushy to put online

Is that brown?!

actually it's more of a mauvy purplish red??? super dark too but comes out on photos as brown idk why

y tink? i have cousins who are

bc maybe they are but they haven't come out??? I can't just assume right lol

do u knw anybody who is in the lgbt community? cousins? friends? super c00l if u have both

yeah!! I have 2 friends who are in the LGBT community (a few are kinda unconfirmed bc like, still not sure about their feelings) but yeah! and I'm not in the LGBT community but I fully support them :-)

pap loots:)

sorry for bad lighting:-( other one is a bra so I don't think it's v appropriate to show??? AHHAHAA idk

heartbreaks are so painful :( can I get a hug?

ofc my dear <> before you know it this pain will be gone! trust me. take care Okie:-) love you so much:********** ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

is ur bf gay? doesn't that make him not your bf since he has a bf? lol

my bf is not gay............................


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