
marie stella 

Ask @mariequek

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how long did you know your boy and where did you meet him?

I've known him actually only for about 6 months?? HAHAHA and we met in church :-)

Advice for people who want to start blogshop? like how to get followers etc.

Maybe you can start by finding blogshops who are willing to shoutout with no minimum followers!:-) Also, make sure the items you are selling are suited for your target audience! Do some research on your demographic. You can also go ahead and find people to sponsor, those with no rates!:-) hope this helps x

where to find cheap doc marts?

For inspireds, I recommend xchocolateeeeee! On IG!:-) she's really efficient and friendly! That's where I got my white doc marts inspireds and transparent boots!!:-)

How to lose weight quick?

Errr sorry I'm really not sure:-( just make sure not to starve yourself because it's not good for your health!:-)

So you're jealous Marie lives in a landed property and you don't. Just say la. Wan hide hide hide. whut a pussy.

HAHAHAHAHHA bb chill la HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA bc I told the person I live in cardboard box then the person thought I don't want to say that I live in hdb or something????

anon pls Marie stays in a 4 storey landed property what're you talking about


so ur hacked account in insta, still can get back or not?

Instagram said they can't deal with my request or something :-( so haiz guess not

why don't you tell your parents about your blog?

Because my mum was isn't always supportive of what I do. In fact, she's almost never supportive of what I want to do. Other than my blogshop, of course, because my family is very into business and stuff. Sometimes her reaction is hurtful. Plus right now it's O levels and there's no way she's going to allow me to continue blogging. Yeah and I have no access to the computer until O's are over so i have to blog from my phone and iTS REALLY IRRITATING. But don't get me wrong. She's a really great mum.

Marie your such an inspiration to me... It is amazing how you managed to regain 200+ followers in 2 days

Hahaha aw thanks:-) this means so much to me!! But it's nowhere near my previous amount of followers:-( plus most of the people that have bothered to support my new account are people I've never really talked to or don't really know and I appreciate that so much!!

any people you want to know better?

definitely!!!!! Err Allison, Andrea, Jaclyn is a cool kid, Janessa also AHHAAHHA, Victoria chan (youtubers bro!!), Amirah is so cute, Amanda seems rly cool!! Felice is so friendly!! Crystal is such a nice kid too!! (There are still a lot of ppl I wanna get to know but these are the ppl at the top of my head rn)

(Likers get a description) Hi!! Only heard of you because of janessa/abit of jiahong HAHA! But you're really pretty!! And omg your fashion sense is awesome! You appear really friendly too! Say hi to me in school! :)

Awwww HAHAHAHA hi!!! Thanks so much!!! I get really elated when people say they like my fashion sense!!! Thank you!! You seem really friendly too!!:-) yess I'll say hi if I see you! You also ok if I never see u HAHAHAHAHA ;-) stay cute x
Liked by: Vicki

I hope you've gone better throughout you're instagram account and have a blast! x sure hackers gonna gets back what she/he did to you. c:

Thanks dear!:-)❤️❤️
Liked by: popkids

yay :) sssssurrrreeee :) but I cant do sleepovers till Im 21 so :( boohoo ><

:--(((((((( bb at least come for parties ahahahahahahahhahaa :D

noooo I never thought they were connected >< it was Amanda who thought they were connected :) hahah :) Im just saying u should make an illusion to make people think your closets are connected ^^

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA oops oh yeah AHAHAHAHA good times man. You guys should come over again after O's ❤️ and Amanda wants to crash at my house overnight anyway lololololol

omg u should post a picture of you secretly going into ur wardrobe from near the door one and post another pic of you tumbling out from the other side, near the toilet :) people be like WOW HUGEASS CLOSET YO



HAHAHAHAHA EXCUSE YOU????? Lair yes I'd very much like a wizard's liar OH BUT ID LIKE A WALK IN WARDROBE THE SIze oF MY ROOM TOOOOO

Baby when they look up at the sky, we'll be shooting stars just passing by~

You'll be coming home with me tonight, we'll be burning up like neon lights

what emoji pillow you ordered for yourself!:)

Hahaha I didn't get one for myself!! Got it for him. I actually ordered it online first (for our 2nd monthsary) but it didn't come on time so a rushed to vivo to get a similar one (heart shape eyes face)!! So now the one that I initially ordered is coming (it's the kissy face) and I'll give it to him for 3rd monthsary (but he'll probs make me keep it with me first bc his room no space or something) plus other stuff I made for him ❤️

will you be doing your 20 facts

Yes I will! Probs later :-) (sorry I didn't answer many questions yesterday, I was really upset)

Pap fave makeup

It varies but these are my faves at the moment:-) (took me a few days to decide to get out of bed to take this photo AHAHAHHAHAHAHA sorry anon)

What is your biggest addiction?

I guess it's blogging bc even though I'm really busy with O's and shit, I really can't stop. Look at me, I'm a mess and I should really get my shit sorted out before I continue but I really want to keep my blog updated???

What happened to your Instagram account?

It got hacked. By who? I'm not sure. I got my friend to help me try and log in too and she couldn't. When she tried to send the reset password email, it was sent to a hotmail account. And I don't use hotmail. But right now, the hacker is keeping really quiet. It's as if he/she (let's just call it an it) just logged in and changed the email + password and then logged out?? I have no idea what is the intention of doing so. All I know is that right now, I'm torn. I need to learn how to juggle my studies and my Instagram account. Basically, my parents do not know about my blogging career. They think my Instagram account is nonsense and I have to suck it up and get over it. But frankly, I can't. This year has been a very good year for me. If I remember correctly, I hit 1k only last year. But this year, my page views, likes, followers and comments increased. I've even gotten the chance to be sponsored by some lovely blogshops! Now I have to start from scratch though. And it scares me. But I really hope that my old followers continue to support me. Sorry for the long answer everyone :-(

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Glad to know people love the NYX lip cream ❤️ Even more glad you love it

Aw thanks!!! And seriously thanks so much for giving it to me! definitely one of my faves in my makeup collection:-)

is nyx lipstick better to be matte or? and is it hydrating?

I haven't tried the NYX matte lip creams yet but yes, the lip cream is definitely hydrating :-)

so is it a lipgloss or lipstick ? you look really good in that color! better then pink;)

It's a liquid lipstick :-) thanks heh! Will try to wear it more often;-)

what brand and color is the cherry lipcolor u wore:)

NYX, XLC06 Pinky Nude :-) will have a blog post about it up soon!

haisuisjwjabsjs YES OKAY LEGGO SHOPPING HAHAHA good luck for o's alright!!!! :)

HAHAHHAAHHAHAHA aww yay thanks dear ❤️ good luck for your EOYs ok;-) study hard!!!:-) stay cute x
Liked by: andrea

✨likers get describe✨ hallo!! you are v pretty and friendly and your fashion sense is so good and u have such pretty clothes omg!!! i hope we can become closer or smth ok :))

Aw thanks!!!! You seem really pretty and friendly too!!!! You're so sweet heh would definitely want to get to know you too;-) omg maybe we can go shopping with Allison together after my O's ❤️ whoop whoop
Liked by: andrea


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