
marie stella 

Ask @mariequek

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How do you cheer up a friend when they're feeling down?

Remind them to look on the bright side

Can you do a post on stage outfits for like reality show auditions?

Sure dear:) I'll do one probs around the middle of this week:) posts will be slower because I'm in the middle of exams!

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Would you like to be famous and for what reason?

Yes, for being a fashion/beauty youtuber/blogger:)

What kind of surprises do you like?

Any kind! Especially if I have completely no clue about it

What do you dream about?

Being a popular fashion stylist/fashion/beauty blogger/youtuber. Getting invited to beauty and fashion events such as IMATS and like, idk haha. Starting my own clothing & cosmetics line. It would be a dream.

Top 5 Whatsapp & text

Whatsapp - Markus, One Way, FGE Announcements, 4C Prostitutes, FGE exco
Text - michelle, Alicia, Odelia, mummy and Monica

What kind of hair curler do you use?

I have 3 different kinds: 32mm, 25mm and 19mm diameters:) I use the brand iso professional. It was kind of an impromptu decision so I didn't really look to invest in a good one but the one I've been using so far has been pretty awesome!

What is your idea of paradise?

Spacious island with deep green grass and fresh air. As I walk out nearing the ocean, a soft summery breeze hit me. I can taste the saltiness of the air.
Life is free of stress, troubles, worries.

Pretty sec 4s

So many O.O Lisa, Farhana, Stacey, Sheena, Eunice, Leah, Nicole, Crystal:) the only ones I can really think of atm

Where did u get your shoes in your ootd tdy?

From a blogshop:) don't think they're selling it anymore tho:( it was the last one!

Hi!!! I am a huge fan of you and Justice Keanee like the two of youu rockk. I'd like to request a beauty essentials post on versace and turqouise??

Hey there!! Yes! I'll definitely be doing one soon! Anything to please my readers:) hehe keep a look out for one around tonight or this weekend darling <3

Y not, r u stupid?

No, I'm just smart enough to realise that it's my O level year and I shouldn't put a thought into dating. Besides, your relationship status doesn't define who you are. What's the point of rushing into one after another?

Its like someone comments negatively about u & u take it so well

Haha thanks? :)) I'm not sure what to say

I find it so ridiculous that someone is commenting on how you answer your questions though. They asked you, they should expect any kind of answer right.

I guess, but it's okay to speak out your own views you know?:) it's okay. The dude just wanted to let me know how he/she felt about that way I answered my questions.

hahah I think they know it's a joke and plus that person is too scared to show himself or herself to you so it's ok

HAHAHAHA I guess but I think one person was irritated bc I didn't want to answer a SSM properly.

hey don't care what that person said k it's your ask fm do what you want that person is just plain rude. Your qtp here btw

HAHAHA IS THAT NADINE?! Nah it's okay, people can say whatever they want to say too! I mean if it hurts people i guess it's wrong idk haha PEOPLE IF IVE HURT YOU BY 'BURNING' YOU ON ASK.FM PLEASE LMK!!! IM SORRY

Then where is he from

How would you know it's a he;) hahaha jk. Idk if I should say:P he's just not from school.

Why did you and Rey break up? :c (personal qn)

A lot of reasons, but mainly, I don't think I was ready for a relationship. There's so many things going on you know? My blogshop, blogging, studying. My priorities weren't straight and my grades were dropping. I can't juggle everything. He's still a great guy though. I'm grateful for everything he's done for me and it's a shame that I haven't had the courage to tell him that ever since our break up. So yeah if you ever have the chance someone help me let him know:) thanks.


Language: English