
Marina Shhaltough

Ask @marinashhaltough

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If you could only eat one food, and nothing else, for three days in a row, what would it be?

choclate bs :P

l2 ana 7ab as2lk entee :P leh el nass bt7bk mn 3ada ana ma b7beek :P ?

hhahahhahahahah ask ur self :P :P
labalaaaaaaaaaaaaash ya amana amana 7obeeni :P

آلشخصية الناضجة هي من تعِي جيدًآ أن الإنسَآن بأخلاقه ، لا بلباسه وملامحه وإسمه وأصله .. كلّ ذلك لن يأتيك بشيء سوى أن يصغر حجمُك أكثر ..

akeeed sa7 100 % el 7ki

What are the three most important things for you to be happy?

being with my family ,, friends ,, & eating choclate <3 ++


Language: English