
Michaiah David Beiter

Ask @michaiah14

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"That's not nice to say" >>>>> Solina. Again. Haha. And Michaiah didn't say Sean's IQ is 35. He said his penis size is 35.

yeah I know

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Yeah, she can buy what she wants because YOU told her seans shoe size. Duh! You should've just said "Sean loves Shania, so you shouldnt buy him expensive gifts" or "If you want to know Sean's shoe size, ask Sean." See?


It IS Michiah's problem when he encourages her to buy Sean shoes even though he knows sean doesnt like her and has a gf he loves very much! And Solina, we know it's you who wrote that LMFAO

She can buy what she wants

It's not his problem God damn let michaiah do what he wants its his life!!!!! Luv Ya ❤️


Solina, stop coming on here and asking Michaiah inappropriate things about Sean, like his shoe size and WHERE HE LIVES. That is very very wrong. Stop doing that. It's what stalkers do.

True life

No, it's YOUR fault for telling her "go ahead". Your just making things worse for her by saying things like that.


stop encouraging solina to buy things for sean! you know sean has a gf he loves and isnt interested at all in solina, so she's just going to get hurt.

yeah that's her fault not mine

Your very sweet❤️

that's nice !! Ur better then the person who called me a dick !!! Love u ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Also people should stop asking you about your brother and his stupid 30 second relationship on your ask. IT"S YOUR page! They want to ask sean a question ask him on his page!

IK !! Bc half the time I don't know the answer so ask Sean !!

shes right bro u didnt stand up for your friends, u let some hater take over your ask n say very rude things about sean/shania. all u had to do was just delete their questions. and all the lying rumors n gossip are STILL on here, it proves you have no idea what being a friend means. not good bruh

You guys are so fucking annoying I said I love shania yes I did stand up for her just Stop okay.

It's not about fighting. It's about you not having the guts or maturity to stand up to someone who says bad things about people you supposedly care about. Someone comes on here and makes up lies about Sean and Shania, and instead of just ignoring them or telling them to shut up, you defend them. :(

I did stand up for them what the hell

Wow, I leave for 24 hours and come back to this war. Haha. The best way to handle this is so simple. Never ever answer people who say bad things about your friends or family members. Or start rumors about them. Once you start responding to them, it creates all kinds of trouble.


I would NEVER have a friend like u because u can't be trusted. If anyone ever said anything bad about a friend of mine, or spread lies or gossip about them, I would immediately tell them to go fuck themselves. I would NOT have a convo with them, or answer any of their questions like it's fine.

I really don't wanna fight with anyone

now go show sean all the comments from that hater saying that it's Shania posting on your ask. See what he says about THAT! Are you going to defend Shania or let the hater keep trashing her and making up lies about her?? Let's see what you do Michaiah.

Of course I would defend Shania! She was there for me when I needed her and I will be when she needs me its that simple

The hater is VERY worried now that we're on to them. Wait until we find out for sure! So just keep talking hater.

But I thought you didn't want me to answer them so how would they keep talking???

We think we know who that hater is who's saying all this crap about Shania. Just think about who would have a reason to trash Shania so much. When we find out for sure, we're going to let everyone know.

Well good luck I wish you the best

There is no person in this world who would care this much to stick up for Sean and shania except 4 shania. It's soooo obivous she needs to stop!! Just be you man and keep UR bond with Sean stronger than ever!

YOU are the one who needs to calm down. And stop answering anyone who says rude things about Shania or Sean. It's the same hater who's on Sean's ask all the time. But you just don't get it. All of Sean's friends tell this idiot to go away. You are the ONLY one who answers them.

okay Johnny

That hater is just playing you by saying all these fake nice things, like "at least you have a good attitude" and "leave this kid alone" and "focus on how hot he is" and all that bullshit crap. The hater is controlling u like a puppet because they see how weak u are, and will answer all their crap.

they aren't playing me i know what I'm saying like if I wanna answer it I will they asked me if Sean doesn't care no one else needs to

See, there you go again Michaiah. The hater is saying it's Shania saying all this stuff on your ask. And instead of saying no it's not, you say nothing. You should be ashamed of yourself. Grow some balls, like Sean's real friends. They tell haters like this to go fuck themselves & dont answer them.

they think it's Shania I know it's not let's all calm down a sing a song ok???


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