
Michaiah David Beiter

Ask @michaiah14

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i'll take the snobs over the pervs every time. The snobs care about you. The pervs just want to take advantage of you. Think about it.

I love you

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Yeah, go ahead an "flaunt your body" for Jake. Funny how he has to be on anon every time he asks you for a "shirt lifting pic".And yes, those snobs who don't want you to do shirtless pics are "annoying", but this perv asking you for shirtless pics all the time isn't annoying. Do it for the perv.


ive just read everything people are saying. michiah, a big problem is that your denying the obvious. when your shirt is off in a picture and people can see your chest, it's a shirtless pic. but for some reason, your playing this little game where you call shirtless pics not shirtless pics.

Ik I'm shitless omg u guys can't read ? I said I'm trying to crop out as much as I can lord

So let's see, you keep saying you haven't posted a shirtless pics in months, you even said "in 8 months". Even though everyone can see several shirtless pics from the past month. And NOW you say "I have like 2 on". So which is it... none in the past 8 months, or "like 2"? This is how lying turns out

I have not posted a shirtless picture of my abs and everything in a very long time MY Shoulders CAN BE ON ASK MOTHER FUCKER WOOO YEAH KIDS !

no i dont mean the ones posted on ig, i mean the ones posted here on your ask....... that link the anon posted IS a shirtless pic, obviously. so you saying its not shirtless, when it obviously is, makes you seem very weird. at least have the maturity to admit that you have posted shirtless pics.

I know I have I put one up like a day ago but I'm saying the one of my hair I tried to crop as much of my body as I could okay? Like respect that ?

"It's not shitless bc it's for my hair" You are a huge idiot. Your perv stalker Jake Kev calls the anon who DOESN'T want you to post shirtless pics a pedo LMFAO,,, but Jake Kev who secretly keeps asking you for shirtless pics is NOT a pedo I guess haha. Just go have sex with him Michaiah.

Just bc I post a shirtless pic means I wanna have sex with a man? Whoa that's new

i was gonna defend you but shes right, you have put up several shirtless photos in the past month.... I just looked... they are still on here. saying a shirtless photo is not a shirtless photo makes people think your really strange so you should stop doing that.... just admit you made a mistake.

OH U MEAN THE ONES IVE ALREADY POST ON IG? wow.. I'm really shocked on how much you guys attack me bc I have like 2 on and one you can't see anything bc it's my face. Are you guys like moms? "If you sexy then flaunt it" ~Bruno Mars, he said I'm allowed to :)

Seriously he can do what he wants and you should keep your opinion to yourself Bc his posting a shirtless picture doesn't effect your life

It doesn't Change anyone's life

lord Jesus it's your body if you want to flaunt it you can and if people don't like it no one fucking cares if you wanna do it do it and tell them to fuck off God

Thx lover

Of course Jake Kev doesn't ask you for shirtless pics on Kik!!! That's because he doesn't want you to know it's him asking for them. DUH! Everyone knows it's him. Except you I guess. Amazing how he always shows up here right after someone starts talking about him. Well you ask is dead anyway.

No ur like the only person who thinks this & my asks not dead bc Well ur on it :) it's one picture I mean does it really matter that much & if you actually knew me you would know how much my promise means I always give 100%

"I haven't even posted a picture of me in like 8 months". LIAR. Look at your answers just for the past month. You just can't stop lying. And your name is Beiter, not Bieber. Go ahead, post all the shirtless pics you want because so many girls know now that your promises mean nothing.

I have not posted 1 shirtless pic in months and months so please stop okay and yeah I know how to spell my name ???? Again he's 20 and im 15 my body's not like his and I can show off one pic that in not even doing anything in? Literally your the only person who gets mad at me for one picture who like 12 people send me messages they didn't care so guess what it doesn't matter I've posted 1 that's it I didn't lie about it and before I even put i made sure it was all good with people. You said nothing till after I posted it so please respect me and stop bc I didn't lie I made sure everyone was okay with it no one said anything and no one on here is an old man okay im fed up with you guys telling me what to do in going up I can out ONE pic if I so please :)

tell me about it.... and if it was me... I would put this'.....'. its how I type... if the anon has something to say then the anon should tell me on my page...anons are messed...up bro....

Jake ✅ (lovin' so hard)
Don't worry about it they don't know u

Yeah, one picture now, one tomorrow, one next week, blah blah.The point is that you are a liar. Not saying it to be mean, just saying it because its true. You promised like 5 times only to post them for girls you know in person that ask for them and who are not on anon. You cant be trusted.

ok I haven't even posted a picture of me in like 8 months find ur chill it says "Michaiah Beiber" that's me its my ask im almost 16 im tried of being told what to do I don't post 100s of pictures shirtless I said I wouldn't post them I haven't for months and now I wanna put one up okay ? Thx

Your Ask is basically dead now because u wont stop posting those stupid shirtless pics for that perv. All the girls who used to ask you lots of questions aren't coming back because u lied and said you wouldn't post those pics any more. Almost everyone knows its Jake Kev on anon asking for them. :(

I posted one shirtless pic & my ask hasn't been dead at all I was gone for a week or 2 so people stopped asking things ? Ive got more followers in the past week then I have before ? Like it's one picture it really doesn't matter I'm shirtless all the time ask anyone

wow that pic is really hot! good for you for doing what you want!

Yeah it's really hot you see that sun burn dang must be at least 100 degrees

bottom line, there are gonna be a lot of people who like your ab pics and some who don't, so who cares? Do what you want

Tru life


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