
Michaiah David Beiter

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Well I guess I'm an "idiot" too because I live for Jesus Christ, he is my savior and he came and was hung on a cross because of mine and your sins. If you have an issue with that text me (954)-544-1338

Christian Miller
Join me !!

honestly I've been keeping track of you and Rachel I hate to say it but your better off with Rachel than Christina I know them both very well and yes you and Rachel had a lot of fights but you should really be together I've never see such love at you guys ages Just wanna say you look like a great bf

thank you

How does it feel that many people view your friend, Sean Cavaliere, as a Justin Bieber wannabe who has no talent and only gets views for his looks?

A lot of people like him and he's really good at singing what

Well there is no god, so I'll never be in front of him. You still have not given any evidence for his existence.

I'm at work and can't fight with you about this but you are wrong I live for Jesus

If the Christian god was real (which he isn't), then he would more evil than any dictator to ever exist.

Really well when your in front of him tell me how saying that to him goes

You're getting it wrong....The Bible did talk about hell which means grave but the bible never talked about hell fire

Hell is a place God does not hurt those who live for him but those who don't will go to hell

Only an idiot would live by the bible. You won't argue with me because you know I'm right.

You aren't right at all

Soo?? Let's say for example you have a child who committed a sin to you. ..would you say because the child made you angry then you're gonna put his hand in fire?? Obviously not so then why would God do it to us

No but if the kid asks for forgiveness then I forgive him

I have read the bible, cover to cover, it's filled with errors and contradictions. Bible is not evidence. Maybe you should read the bible.

I do and the bible is the way to live your life, I would fight with you but that's a waist of time

Why do you believe so in hell

Bc heaven is a place and so is hell God made hell for the people who don't follow him

Evolution has been proven as fact; and you do realize that Humans are animals? Jesus never existed, and the bible is flawed and full of contradictions.

I would say you are more then 200% wrong. How does a man look at the world and not know we have a creator?

Do you accept evolution as a fact? Of do you believe in the creationism myth?

Evolution is fake we did not come from animals Jesus made us and the world it's in the first page of the bible :)
Liked by: Christian Miller


Language: English