
Michaiah David Beiter

Ask @michaiah14

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That was Solina doing the math 6+2=8 LOL. Michaiah is right, it's 3 school years. 6th 7th and 8th. ;)

Ik like ??

"Stop talking about me". Solina, people can talk about whatever they want. It's not your ask, it's Michaiah's! And besides, YOU are the one who came on here asking about Sean. So maybe YOU should stop talking about HIM, instead of being a hypocrite and telling people to stop talking about you.


Stop talking about me. And btw who cares if he has no interest in me it doesnf mw i cant like him!

please ask me if j care ??

Solina you tell the whole world when you go on seans ask and tell him you love him and you obsesses over him. You need to stop gong on people ask and asking information about sean. Just accept the fact tht he loves shania alot and has NO interest in you.

He doesn't

"I dont tell the whole world i like sean" omg thats the biggest lie of them all Solina. You tell the whole world all the time,,, there are literally HUNDREDS of obsessive questions from you on Seans ask about how much you love him and hows he perfect and all that other stuff, & disrepsecting Shania

she's right ^^

yes solina, you do talk bad about shania. you've done it many times and everyone has seen it. Fine, like sean. but stop going to michaiah and other people to get seans kik and other stuff. Sean has a gf he loves, you have to accept that. Yes, this has been going on since 6th! Thats y u need to stop.

What grade is she in???

That stuff is not true what ur saying. Why do u care if i like him sunce 6th grade it doesnt matter im allowed to like him

You can like whoever you want idc but chill with it liking someone isn't about telling everyone it's about just them meaning something to you the whole world doesn't need to know

Im not stalking him i am asking someone something cause i am scared to ask him by self and yes i do like him since 6th grade but it doesnt matter and i dont talk bad about Shania i might be jealous that she gets sean but im not talking bad about her.


You're exactly right Michaiah,, solina needs to stop talking bad about Shania. But she's been doing it for months. It's very disrespectul, not just to Shania but also to Sean. And anytime someone tells Solina that Seans loves Shania, Solina gets angry at them for simply saying the truth.

Well she should work on it in herself we shouldn't hate on her but you can't hate other people for having what you want

Solina, you're not "just" asking questions. You're completely obsessed with sean and have been for a long time. Its not normal. And sean thinks your nice but he has NO interest in you. and you keep ignoring the fact that he loves shania very very much, but you still talk rude about her. Just stop.

You shouldn't talk bad about his gf she's a very nice person & I love being around her so like don't hate on other people. Nornally people who hate other people really just hate the fact they have what they want

No. I am too nervous to ask sean stuff at school or even talk to him im not being a stalker i just asked a question.


Wait, Brad said marry me? Or bang me? lol

Marry me !! The cake was from me to this little cutie Ik (; JK SORRY OOPS NO HATE ZONE !!!! HATERS WILL BE BLOCKED !1!1!1!!1!1!1!1!!1!1!1!1!!1!1!1!!1!1!1!!1!1!1!1!1!!1!1!1!1!!1!1!1!1!1! Haters !1!1!1!!1!1!1!1!gunna!1!1!!1!1!1hate!1!1!1!1!1 but I will block

Brad wrote will you marry me on a mushroom to propose to your mom? lol

It's a sand dollar and they where walking on the beach after they went to dinner & he acted like he just found it & picked it up and it said that & boom

Will you marry me??? Ok now wait, she's beautiful and you two are cute together, but let's not go overboard here. haha. Come back down to earth Michaiah. ;)


Yes, she's very pretty. But she's going to kill you if you don't remove that pic of her you just posted. ;)

It's okay it's worth dying for

Christina, that snap selife was NOT bad. You looked great in it, even with the funny face you were giving. :)


solina said "Im not trying to get information from u", but that's exactly what she did, try to get information from you, lmao



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