
Michaiah David Beiter

Ask @michaiah14

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"She's gets a boner when I sit on her face" OMG u didnt really just say that Michaiah! hahahaha

I'm being honest !!!!!

Some guys would get a boner if their gf sat on their lap like that haha

She's gets a boner when I sit on her face

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Solina, would you please STOP asking Michaiah about Sean's kik? Or asking Michaiah for ANY info about Sean? Omg, if you want info about Sean, then ask Sean!!! Don't go behind Sean's back asking other people for info about him. What you're doing is like what a stalker does. So chill.


oh ok, because you called her bf a stalker so I thought you thought she was being rude to YOU. she wasn't, she was talking to the idiot hater. :)

I was joking around

I think Sloane was saying "yeah wtf" to the hater anon, not you. lol :)

Yes I know, she said she would want her boyfriend to do what I did

hey anon hater, no one care what you would rather have. And your not a girl, your some old perv. You're not fooling anyone. Now leave Michaiah alone. Michaiah, what you did was beautiful! :)

Thank you ❤️❤️

Michaiah, dont even answer that hater/perv anymore. Just delete his questions from you inbox, then he'll go away. ❤️

I love you guys ❤️❤️

I know. Creepy stalker guys are

Oh I'm such a stalker I walked to her house and waited for her to come out as I listened to music please take me to jail

ignore that hater anon saying its creepy! thats the guy whos just mad because you wont do pervy pics for him. Go away jerk. Michaiah, it's great that you waited outside her house. it was very sweet and it showed how much you care about her! :))

Well if I love you I'll make things right
Liked by: sloane leiva

I'm not jealous. I would rather have my boyfriend come up to the door with flowers instead of waiting outside for an hour

Life isn't a fairy tale honey

No that you waited outside her house

I was just chilling listening to music & waking around waiting she didn't know I was there & I wanted to be like hey I came to make it better didn't know that was creepy ?? Or your jealous Bc no one would ever do it for you ??

wow you really did that? thats really romantic.

yeah I wasn't just like love me I talked to her and we worked things out & then we made up & it's all good now !! ❤️❤️

I'm glad you worked things out with Christina. :)

well like it prob wouldn't have been good but I went to her house and waited outside for like an hour and she came out & I was like hey love me

Hey perv anon, YOU were the non that asked for it, like 100 times. Go away! Michaiah, love the new pic! Now THAT'S the kind of pic we love. You look so great. And the beanie looks cool af. :)

Thank you !!!❤️❤️

"never stay with someone who doesn't fight for you when you walk away" Who are you referring to?

every girl I've dated

Solina, please stop trying to get to Sean through Michaiah. It's inappropriate. If Sean won't give you his info himself, then you shouldn't go to someone else to try and get it.


that person who comes here all the time to try and get info about Sean is very annoying. If they want info about Sean they should ask Sean, not you. I think I know who it is, and Sean has said like 5 times hes not giving out hik kik and other stuff to some anon.



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