
Michaiah David Beiter

Ask @michaiah14

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Cute thing that wasn't faith hun. So many people at """cca""" hate you $ youve talked bad about Christina to many. So don't be jumping to conclusions((:

lol everyone at cca pretty much sucks. All these little middle schoolers need to get a life

You're such a teenage girl and you have problems I can't wait until karma comes back for you

Lol the only one it's coming back to is rachel so please get off my ask bby

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Funny I thought you hated Christina... I mean you kept dming Rachel & I about her just a couple months ago..... Hypocrite Much??

lol I'm pretty sure you and rachel where the ones always talking bad about her im pretty sure I'm the one who went and said sorry months before you im pretty sure I'm the only real friend to her, so I would not agree with you, rachel is the one who's having some kinda plan.

Well, in that case, here's something to make your day a little brighter I hope. 1.you're really nice 2. Lots of people care about you 3. Nice hat/beanie 4. Your hair always looks great. 5. :) Hope this made you smile

thank you very much aww

a little advice, dont pity yourself, stand back up when you fall and keep walking. life is gonna throw you around but thats how it goes so find something to be happy about instead of focusing on all the negative

thank you :))

why have you and christina been so on and off? You guys care about each other a lot and can't you just both work out the problem?

We have had 3 fights
Broke up 3 times
With in the past 3 month
All because of 1 person :)

Thank you for sticking up for me guys.deenie I know it's you making comments about me. These three innocent people meaning Sean michaia and Christina all put up with ur shit when they don't have too. I think u should be thankful for their kindness I also think u shud shut up. :) ps...

I agree with you

Hey anon, who are you to tell Michaiah who he should or should not talk to?? If he wants to talk to the girl with cancer, that's his choice! Maybe you should mind your own business. Any maybe try to understand that someone with cancer won't always be nice because of their sickness.

IK people have no chill

Shawns fan. She got cancer. And you talking to her on ask. That girl who sticks up for you and Shawn on the Twitter. Hahahahahahaha your all losers

get a life ??

Why dod you talk to girl I told u to hate. The girl who's has cancer. Shawms fan. Lol just cuz she sticks up to me on the Twitter


Rachel didn't even do anything to u and how do u know what Christina thinks

rachel doesn't keep her mouth shut. I wish she would grow up, "oh michaiah I need you" yeah really fuck that shit. & bc when you have to block your own Girlfriend on snapchat bc SHES SENDING YOU PICS of your fucking ex like really what kinda love is that.

why would she be mad about you hanging on her. If my bf hung on me like that i would LOVE it. I think every girl would love their bf doing that.

it was the joke like she loves it

omg christina looks SOO angry in that pic! I mean she's beautiful, but that look on her face, wow. But you look extremely cute. And it was very nice of you to go to the makeup department with her. ;)

well she's a cutie so yeah she was mad bc I was hanging on her


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