
Michaiah David Beiter

Ask @michaiah14

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lmao that girl got you. she asked you to name just one girl who asked for those pics and you couldn't even name one. That anon guy is laughing his ass off bc you keep giving him everything he wants. So just delete all those pics and put this behind you.

I'm not even reading these so that's why I didn't answer it HAHAHHA

You obviously know very little about teen girls. Teen girls do not come on some guys ask, especially on anon, to keep begging a boy for shirtless pics over and over and over. Get that through your head, girls do not do that. Ever. And if a girl wanted one shirtless pic, she wouldnt be on anon.

I'm not reading this but I took them down

Omg what is going on here? Girls, calm down. Please. OK so Michaiah made a mistake. Just calm down and let him remove the pics and we can forget about this. Michaiah, I think they're all upset because they like you a lot and don't like seeing that anon taking advantage of you.

I'm deleting them rn

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"I know" Exactly, you KNOW you lied to everyone. And you also lied when you said there were girls you know asking for the pics. A total lie. Name one girl you know that asked for one of those pics you put up over the past day or so? Name ONE? If you wanna put up dirty pics for some old man, go ahead

how do u know it's an old man ? When In the one who got the questions for girls :)

The reason these girls are so mad at you is because you made a promise and you didn't keep it. Trust is the most important thing in life and they cant trust you. And you won't even admit you made that promise, which is really sad.

I know I made it but I posted a few pics & I prob won't for a while & we will be okay :)

She's right. You totally lied. You said you would never put up pics for that annon again, only for girls you know. YOU HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHO THE ANON IS, DONT YOU GET THAT??? what the fuck is wrong with you?

lol if you go down a few pics with like 2 likes you can see a girl likes it so :) im pretty sure you & this other girl are the same person, everyone who has a problem with me posting this send me a number with your name next to it; I won't answer it. If your sonsure you are right then let's see if I get even more then 5 I'll stop forever if I get none or like 2 out of the 100s of people that follow me I can post my shirtless pics of my body that I work really hard on to make nice

look at the fucking questions you answered, its all that dirty anon. Your so annoying now michaiah, you lied to us. you need help

no I really don't my ask my life you don't know it's a guy k cool I win people like it bye bye

y did u lie and say you wouldnt do those pics ever again for that weirdo anon? if u wanna impress some anon guy who wants to have droll over you go ahead, but boca girls arent gonna come here if u dont get rid of them


theyre all that annon pedofile asking for him. you used to have a great ask and now with all those pics its like the worst ask, and you wont even admit that you promised not to do it anymore except if the person who asked is a girl you know in person and isnt on anon

this is so annoying it's just me shirtless lord sean does it all the time

STOP LYING. Girls are NOT asking. Its ONE anon MAN thats begging to see your body non-stop. And now he won't stop bc you keep giving it to him. Look, what your doing is not normal at all. If some girl you know from boca asks and you want to do it, fine.

yes they are

Sorry but girls in Boca do not want to ever see you posting those kind of pics for some annon just so you can feel better about yourself. I'm done here as long as they pics are still on here. We went through this whole thing a few weeks ago with you.

Girls where the ones asking that, they send a question with a name first & I said okay & they didn't want everyone knowing them & I made sure they had a good profile & they did it was real so I did it okay cool

I came here to wish you a Merry Christmas but then I saw all those half naked pictures of you. I dont want to see those kind of pictures on here so bye.

not half naked it's my top half & I'm flexing just like on tv & stuff when people show off there body's like normal boys do !! It's so amazing you have neve seen a boy shirtless before. No matter what I do bad people will do bad things and guess what I'm so proud of the body God gave me. So I'll show it

Hey, I'm brittany lol. Nice pics you got. You and jake kev seem really close. Now be honest to all your followers. Has he ever seen your dick before?

Lol no

when will you be back? its gonna be hard for me to wait ;)

ILL BE AT BOCA MALL IF YOU GUYS WANNA SEE ME, me & sean so hit us up if you see us & prob a few hours

a new shirt lifting pic? would be nice if u were running your fingers through your hair and licking your lips too ;)

I'm leaving to the mall so later ❤️❤️

Can u giv ur number on my ask then I'll delete it don't worry though cuz I will not text u like everyday

I can't put my number on here KIK me

When should I ask u things cuz I heard that at 11:30 we can ask u things but am or pm? I live in Cali which is like 4 hours behind your time

I can do it rn

Are you sure your mom would want that pic of her and seans dad on here?? you should take it down and ask her first just to make sure shes ok with it. my mom would kill me if i posted a pic like that without her persmission.

I asked her when she walked it don't worry

whoever said "Its not her fault" is a moron. Of course its her fault. whos elses fault could it be? Nobody can control her behavior but her. She's not 3 years old. Even Sean has had to tell her to chill a few times because she goes on and on and on day after day after day. It's very unfair to Sean.

& me too bc like I did nothing


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