
Michaiah David Beiter

Ask @michaiah14

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Thank you so much for the advice (: am I allowed to leave sooner like once I get a job or something at 16 ? Do you know?

I think at 17 u can make good money tho get ur life together and then try. I'm moving out as soon as I can bc that's who I am so just save a lot of money maybe get a room mate and share a place you can get a small place for 700-1000 dollars 2 people splitting that is so cheep

So yes she does? Well my mom hasn't in a long time so I asked her to a couple days ago and she said no that I need to cook for her now, she never even taught me how, she said "I don't care if you don't eat for the whole day it's your problem"

Well then make the food for both of you and once you are 18 leave and be happy if she doesn't wanna raise you then turn urself into something great :)

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Thank you ❤️ Does your mom still cool for your siblings and you?

My mom has raised 5 kids all by herself for the past 5 years and done a great job I would say she's cool

its really awesome how much u care about ur fans, from the shirtless selfies to the fighting, u've always stuck with us and thats awesome <3

Of course. Some people know me for being rude or anger & sometimes I am but I really like people and wanna interact with them so I enjoy answering things for u guys

My parents make me feel so depressed 😞 once I woke up this morning they were complaining ab me and saying how I don't do anything to help them when I do I'm not a bad kid at all I have straight a's I always do chores, I wish they never had me they call me worthless and make me hate myself

They prob don't know how to raise you and that's not ur fault a lot of people have this problem try and be strong believe in urself have confidence find someone you love and go after it let people come along with you don't waist ur time worrying about what someone else thinks of u.

Sean doesn't even care ab us anymore lmao he hasn't been on ask in forever please don't change michiach ❤️

I love ask I won't go inactive

can u post a couple today? it's hard to wait for something so hot

Not today I don't like upsetting people on here bc them everyone fights but maybe soon I'll see :)

do u think you'll ever post shirtless pics again?

maybe. I'll be 16 in like 35 days so once I'm older prob

My family is Christian, Anyway one of guy friends was telling me how my little brother who is 12 was saying inappropriate things about a girl like "her butt is huge lemme get a sneak peek" should I tell my parents? We were not raised that way, any advise on what I should do? Make it long (:

How do you know he's not just joking around

Something you want Christina to know?

Love is the strongest thing in the world. Pain goes away but love doesn't. Someone who really loves someone doesn't leave your side. Then again we aren't perfect. I can with out shame say I was the worst version of myself when I met you. I was coming out of the most toxic relationship of my life & needed someone to understand that. You did & i ended up liking you a lot. We had very hard times but the past month Couldn't be better. I've become the best person I can for you & I'm truly sorry for everything I did in the middle of that but you didn't leave me & I'm not leaving you. Any fight can be worked out anything can be fixed but I'm yours and anyone reading this know I am hers. I've made my mistakes but I've done my best to make it up and know I am forever grateful for you love and compassion. Dating takes a lot of work and sacrifice but nothing is worth not having my best friend. That's something she should know.

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