
Michaiah David Beiter

Ask @michaiah14

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To the question far below. Yea post one with u and sean in your boxers together.

I took one by myself but it's to bad so like

OK, Solina, that's enough. I'm not trying to be mean, but when you start going on and on about Sean like this, you know what ends up happening. So just chill.

True !!

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"who r u what is life" She is Solina and her life (she thinks) is Sean hahaha

Can I ask you a question ? & I want a good answer

thats great that your mom's helping you with it, your going to be alot happier at a higher weight, watch

Thank you very much

Yeah, putting on weight for a reallly thin person can be very hard. But the great thing is that you know you need to do it, and you're really trying. There are ways to make it easier to add the weight in a healthy way. Just have your mom ask your doctor or a nutritionist. :)

I've been told what to do by my mom

to the anon who said people should telling Michaiah to put on weight... shut up. He IS very underweight and he knows it, thats why he's been working on gaining weight duh. People tell him bc they care about him. But people like u who say being 25 pounds underweight is healthy do NOT care about him.

I'm trying to put it on its honestly so hard for me

U call people hoes and sluts but we cant call u skinny ?

u can call my skinny I am skinny & anytime I call someone a how I'm normally joking, but you can call me whatever you would like to

Any time :) I'm always being told I'm too skinny and it looks unhealthy and that I need to gain weight and it's really really really annoying..

I mean it's just my body

All of you need to leave the kid alone about his weight lol.. Yeah he's skinny but he's strong and healthy so he's fine.. It's actually really annoying and can cause insecurity when people are constantly telling you to put on weight.. Trust me, I know.

Thank you

yes one side of your family lol, but your not german your american, and i meant the person who wrote "Musxles" speaks german as their first language, u dont even speak german haha

woher wissen Sie das? siehe Ich weiß speek Deutsch i einfach nie sagen, meine fagget

And remember, it is not ME telling you what normal/healthy weight is. It's doctors around the world who are experts on normal weight. That's who makes those charts. Ask your own doctor. He'll tell you the same thing. ;)

I wasn't trying to be rude or anything just so you know

Well, on the chart I showed you, you are actually 19 pounds underweight right now. You're 125 now. The LOWEST for 6'1" on that chart is 144. But remember, the normal wgt for 6'1" goes up to 182. So your range is 144 and 182. That's why I said 150 would be perfect for you. But no less than 145. :)

If I was 180 I would be fat. No 15 year old should be that much but I know what you mean

No muscles

I think you would be wrong you have not seen me Im skinny but I'm very built and can do a lot more then some guy with big arms can :) stop judging me

Yay Michaiah! I know you'll reach your goal. In fact, I would try for 25 to 30 more. 150 would be perfect for you. :)

Well as long as I keep growing I'll get more weight

That's great to hear about your weight gain!!! When was that bathroom selfie taken that you just posted?

This morning, I was 125, 2 weeks ago I was 120

I'm really happy you're trying. You really need to do it! :)

I've gained 5 pounds this month & I hope like 15 more in the next few months


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