
Michaiah David Beiter

Ask @michaiah14

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That's funny how Jake keven was on anon when he asked if ur bi. watch, now he'll come on here and insist that it wasn't him. haha

He already knows I'm not

Michaiah you stupid, y u askin @christinaromeo123 her bra size, Christina if your seeing this, take my word... YOU CAN DO BETTER

why would I ask her for her bra size on ask? I've never asked for it even privately I don't care ?? Can u chill

omg someone asked that man why he folows so many boys and he admitted he does it! tf, he said "I do it "cause hit someones likebutton is a terrible kind of sexual harassment!"

Wait what ?

i'm not going to delete my account like them but i'm just going to stay off here. and any other pages i see him on. ive seen him on 4 so far. have a nice holiday!

As well as you!!

Closing mine too. If I don't see him on your page anymore in like a week maybe I'll start a new ask but I'm not sure. Bye.

Okay I'll try

tf like that creepy guy would tell the truth about anything, and i already no hes a liar cause i saw him all over my ex's ask and some of his friends from school and he wouldnt go away

okay well he shouldn't make you delete your ask just block him & do what you want to keep him away from you if that's what you want

lol he only follows u and sean............................. and prob a hudnred other cute boys. If my dad followed ANY boys on their ask my mom would kick him outta the house

I know but like I think you guys should ask who he follows and see if he's a liar if you don't trust him you know ? Like just so we can really see

i dont get y he wont just quit bothering us kids

He only follows me and sean he said, ask him to see who he follows

im thinking of closing mine to cause its to wierd seeing him on the pages of my friends from school

well just have them all block him

what that girls telling u is true bc he showed up on my ask one day then right after that i started getting all these rude questions about my body, then he said do you want me to stop but he didnt stop

If you guys are sure then I'll trust you but evidence is nice

Nooo, he was talking about the likes to you but with christina he was asking her all those rude questions and christina kept telling him to get off her ask, then he says to her 'just tell me and ill stop' but he wont leave her alone, we told u this guy was bad news

I don't know if he's asking her things bc people where doing that a while ago

OMG michaiah, that guy is harassing christina on her ask!!! hes asking her bra size and about her boobs and stuff grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, and everyone knows its him cause he said "Just tell me and I'll stop" like he wrote to u before and other boys about getting off your ask, he said it to sean too

I think he was talking about the likes

yep he had to close it cause the guy was doing the same thing, and he would go to my ex's friends ask too grr


omg i see that creeper didnt go away, my older brother said this would happen,,,, that he wouldnt listen to you and keep comin on here ugh, some of my friends at school had to block him to

Do I know your brother

Sean said he blocked him to but the guy wont stay off seans either. tell him to stay off both

Why isn't it working

It was someone else said the likes would go away but yea I just read that it is supposed to do that. anyway we knew he wouldnt respect your request to stay off your ask see? (

yes I texted him again and asked him not to

you said u blocked that guy and asked him not to follow u anymore, but hes still on here and liking everything :((

I did, & you said that likes would go away and stuff so why is it not working


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