
Michaiah David Beiter

Ask @michaiah14

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tbh you shouldn't never even blocked that guy, he wasn't doing anything wrong? Just liking your stuff isn't a crime, sure he may be older then us but so what? Not everyone's a perv, so why don't you Anom people leave michaiah alone it's his ask not yours stop telling him what to do

Well they just get upset & I can see why but it's all just annoying
Liked by: Rico

Maybe it takes awhile before they go away. I've only blocked 2 people on my ask, both were guys like my parents age haha, i kept telling them to stay off my ask but they wouldnt :(

Maybe they will go away soon idk I like my likes
Liked by: Rico

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I haven't been on since last night, is that guy still coming here lol, he really needs to find adults in his country his age to play with, not 8th and 9th graders in BR. I just read u blocked him but his likes are all there still they shouldn't be. anyway, hiii Michaiah! :)

well he's still blocked idk why they aren't going away it told my they would
Liked by: Rico

you can keep all your likes except his. and if hes gone you'll get alot more likes from the rest of us but we're not gonna like anyything if hes still here. If you dont block cant come back. we think your really cute and nice but im done here if u dont block sorry

Fine only if sean does
Liked by: Rico

You still havent blocked him because all his likes are still there. When you block someone, the person's likes get removed.

well I wanna keep my likes. Please leave me alone I'm boot happy rn and this is fucking annoying.
Liked by: Rico

no ones tellling u to block anyone else, just that one man whos stalking all these cute teen boys on their asks and making alot of girls feel unsafe, so please dont get m ad at us ok

im not mad but you guys attack everyone it feels like but whatever
Liked by: Rico

Yes you can block him. Go to @ShiRongKuai, then click "Block" at the top right, then click SUBMIT at the bottom.

you guys know everyone who likes my answers you are going to call a perv ??
Liked by: Rico

Did you ask that guy to stop following you yet? He's still liking every answer you give.

Well he's not following me anymore
Liked by: Rico

Please Rico to stop following you and liking everything, or else girls aren't going coming back here anymore. Thanx :)

Liked by: Rico

look at all your answers. that guy is still liking them all. so a bunch of us girls cant come back on here anymore till that creepy guy is gone. sorry. )

okay I told him
Liked by: Rico

yea i agree with her, if my parents knew some man was following my ask and liking all my answers, theyd make me stay off here forever! and if i wanna ask a cute boy like u questions i dont wanna have to worry about someone like that following all my guy friends on here.

Okay thank you
Liked by: Rico

Well I'm not going to Sean's ask anymore either if I see that guy's likes on there too. We come on your asks because its nice to be with kids are own age and not have adults watching are convos. :)

Yes I know
Liked by: Rico

There's nothing u can do if he wont stop. But if you ask him nicely and he still does it, then you know hes not a nice person since he's not respecting you asking him nicely. :)

Okay so I'll ask him then but he's still going to like Sean's stuff so why should he stop mine if Sean's okay with it
Liked by: Rico

i think im going to do the same as the other girl. if i see likes from that guy im not asking anything again.

okay well I'll do my best guys
Liked by: Rico

The only way you can make him stop is to ask him nicely not to do it any more. When he stops, then I'll come back here because your nice and I like asking you questions. :)

okay so if I asked him to stop & he didn't what do I do ?
Liked by: Rico

Well I dont know what the others on here are gonna do but I'm staying off Michaiah's ask until that man stops liking everything. I feel really uncomfortable with an adult watching everything kids talk about on here.

How do I make him stop ??
Liked by: Rico

'if u say so' IS rude. if ur not trying to be rude then u would say 'you're right' or 'i understand what ur saying'. NOT 'if u say so'.

Well I wasn't trying to be rude
Liked by: Rico

No, I'm a girl. But I have alot of cute boys who ask me questions. So if he sees my name, then he'll come to my ask and see all the names of boys who ask me things. See?

Yes I see :)
Liked by: Rico

Stop being rude and sarcastic to kids who are telling you things that are true. Saying things like "if you say so" is really rude because obv an adult shouldnt be following children.

I'm saying if you say so it wasn't rude ??
Liked by: Rico

I feel like that other kid. I'm not posting off annon on here because I dont want that guy following my ask too.

are you a teen boy ?
Liked by: Rico

Hey if u dont wanna tell that guy to please stay off your ask, then kids are age will keep saying how weird it is that you have a man following everything you say on here. and alot of kids wont ask you questions off anon bc they dont want that guy stalking them too.

I understand
Liked by: Rico

Haha, Michaiah is NOT attacted to adult men. He just has a really hard time admitting when someone is doing something that is not right.

I'm just not judging people get hurt when EVeryone talks about them. Maybe he's a good guy maybe not but I don't wanna put him down either way. Treat others how you wanna be treated.
Liked by: Rico

If it were me, I'd just say I'm glad you liked the youtube videos but please stay off my ask. Simple. :)

okay nice to know
Liked by: Rico

omg that girl is right, i just checked sean's ask and that man is liking all sean's answers too. Now I'm really getting freaked out by this man. Yuck!

Who says yuck ??
Liked by: Rico

That good you stopped doing that, and yeah your safe as long as you dont ever give any personal info to that man who's stalking boys's asks.

& I don't ! So that's why I'm not worried
Liked by: Rico

Forget it, if Michaiah is attracted to adult men and thinks its normal for grown men to stalk his ask, then there's nothing we can do about it.

oh yeah def I love old men !!
Liked by: Rico

no hes not your "youtube fan" hes a man who likes cute young boys. obviously. you must be the only one who cant see it. but we think you do see it. :)

look I stopped posting shitless pics & stuff & now anyone who follows me Jusy sees me wright words. Okay I'm safe
Liked by: Rico

First justin bieber is 20, second hes a giant celebrity and everyone knows he loves girls his age.

he's still not a teen
Liked by: Rico

Omg u can see who he follows if u look at the likes. he likes everything on sean's page too. He likes hot young boys apparently. Gross!

He's are YouTube fan
Liked by: Rico

Yes, if an adult is stalking a teens ask, yes we would say that for sure! No adult should be following a teen on their ask. It's really really really weird.

would you want justin Bieber to follow you? He's not a teen he's an adult. Damn
Liked by: Rico

"you can't see who he follows ?" Michaiah, of course we can see who he follows. Anyone can see his likes on all their asks. ;)

but why do we attack every person who likes are answers or call everyone who asks us things pervs ? Maybe they really just wanna know the answer
Liked by: Rico

He follows a bunch of other cute young teen boys too. Ewwww

you can't see who he follows ? Thanks for calling me cute tho ❤️❤️
Liked by: Rico

he shows himself in the likes bc he thinks people will just think that a hater or perv wouldnt do that. so he does it. duh.

If someone else started liking my answers would you say that? Guess what he started following me a week ago. I was getting hate way before that
Liked by: Rico

I guess since he says he's not the hater or perv then it must be true. Hahahahaha. Now ask him how old he is. ;))

okay how old are you
Liked by: Rico

I'm not the hater and i never ask any pervy questions! If i would ever do this, i would never show my face!

he does have a point!! Why would he show himself if he was doing it. He's not hiding anything he's just a fan you guys don't even know how old he is
Liked by: Rico

Ewww, that man is like watching you all the time. He likes everything 2 seconds after you answer. Haha. CREEPY! :)

You know what else is creepy ?
Liked by: Rico

Sorry about that. But you get the point. If you would ask him, you KNOW what he would say. :)

I can't make him stop tho
Liked by: Rico

Haha, your friends only attack people who do things that are obviously inappropriate. Like someone said, your dad would def tell you to block any adult man who's following ANYTHING you do. And that man is probably the one also sending some of the mean or pervy questions.

why don't u ask him then ?
Liked by: Rico

By liking all your answers that means he's stalking your ask. and seans. You know why he's doing it but you don't want to admit it. Do you think your dad would follow young boys online? Of course not. If your dad knew this guy was following you, he;d tell you to block the guy.

He's following me when I answer things he likes it. You guys attack every person who's on here Matt now him please pick someone
Liked by: Rico


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