
Michaiah David Beiter

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Leave Michaiah alone. Just because he's not a professional model yet doesn't mean he can't be. He's a good looking guy and if that's what he would like to do, then you should be happy for him.

I guess I'm to ugly ??
Liked by: Rico

Ohhh ok, I think alot of ppl thought u and Sean live in the same house all the time. So whose house do u live in most of the time? And whose house does Sean live in most of the time?

His moms he lives at most and I stay with mine
Liked by: Rico

Lol ur honestly ugly if somebody didnt recognize u rn being Sean's brother then you arent gonna model

I've never tired but thanks I guess I'm ugly
Liked by: Rico

You guys aren't famous. Justin Bieber and Austin Mahone are famous. But you and Sean are cool. And Sean's probably gonna be famous one day because of his singing and modeling.

& then I'll be famous for being his brother & modeling & like Nash and can you know ? Plus imma go pro in my sports
Liked by: Rico

I don't have your # , I don't want you to give it out on a website everyone can see since you & sean are like almost famous lol, I don't even know you in person but I honestly wish I did, I feel like me & you would be great friends! I hope 1 day I can talk to you, just me & you not everyone reading

If you have an IG hit me up michaiah_beiter & dm me
Liked by: Rico

That advice you have that person was nice I really hope you don't start getting hate bc of it or that person people are rude sometimes

Well I mean people will hate but I'm here to help. Thank you
Liked by: Rico

Sean hates school, so why doesn't he tell your mom that he wants to be home schooled too?

He has to go to school his mom is works
Liked by: Rico

Haha, theres no way that home schooling 5 kids is easier than sending them to regular school!!! Home schooling 5 kids is sooooooo hard. Its like a full time job.

That's what my mom does
Liked by: Rico

lol whats with that whole paragraph with no periods in it? Its really weird to read something that long when their aren't any period.

okay. Sorry. I'll. use. More. Periods. Okay.
Liked by: Rico

Well thanks I guess, I'm happy without a boy but sometimes I just need one in my life, someone that can hug me, talk to me, hold me, not sex but someone I can tell things to, idk is that weird btw thanks for writing more then a couple words I wish I knew you in person you seem like a very sweet guy

thank you & I like to put time into things people deserve it & your asking me about well something I know a little to well. I'm saying go with your mom rn if you need a best friend text me
Liked by: Rico

What?? Sean never says anything about you being home schooled? That's hard to believe. If my stepbrother were home schooled and I was at regular school, I would be talking about it alot.

No we don't talk about it at all
Liked by: Rico

But public school doesn't cost any money. And can't you walk or take a school bus to a regular school?

my mom just doesn't like that idea
Liked by: Rico

What does Sean think about you being home schooled? Does he ever say he thinks you should go to regular school? Does he ever say he wants to be home schooled too?

We don't really talk about it tbh
Liked by: Rico

Can you explain how you being homeschooled is easier for your mom? I used to be home schooled, but now I go to a regular school. My mom says it was much harder when I was home schooled.

bc like she had 5 kids & it's a lot of money & driving and we can't all go to the same school
Liked by: Rico

I meant 17 was 3 years away I'm 14 but thanks for that, I just feel weird everyone's in relationships & then there's me I don't wanna be made fun of for not being able to day until I'm 17,

Hey when you are married & have no holes & they are upset bc they already messed it up. You win
Liked by: Rico

Wow I wasn't expecting all that but I agree on all that but 17 is like 4 years away, I'm not planning on have sex just being in a relationship & when I'm ready, but they said when I'm 17 can they really force me to listen? Don't I make my choice when I'm like 16 ish and have a job

I started dating when I wanted to and slowly told my mom. Not saying don't listen just do what is right. Maybe wait a little, your 13? See you have a while & guys in middle school suck trust me. When you get older find a guy who's into you not sex & then you will be happy & fall in love and sex will come with love you don't want empty sex
Liked by: Rico

My mom said I can't date until I'm 17 lmao I don't have to listen to her right

You don't have to. But she's also not stupid. If you date the wrong people when your married it will suck bc you have holes & I already have a hole & I don't wanna ruin what happens with my next girlfriend or my wife so she has a good reason then again falling in love is so fun & worth it I have a lot of memories I will have forever but at the same time those perfect memories can haunt you for a long time, but if you van handle getting your heart broken a few times don't listen if you wanna really have the best you can wait till you find someone you wanna marry then go after it don't cheat & make sure you are always happy and always always always push threw the hard times even if you don't think it will work it will I promise

I was just joking about hanging out meaning having sex. See, I didn't get your joke and you didn't get mine haha

Liked by: Rico

Ohhh, now I get your first answer. You were saying the best thing to do is the girl you take out. Like DO the girl. Ha ha, I didn't get it the first time.


So when you say "hanging out", that means having sex right? lol

No talking getting to know each other & like trying to see if you wanna fall in love with them
Liked by: NRDWX Rico

So your answer is that you're going to have sex with the girl on your first date? Uh, ok.

It's a joke !! I like the movies and going to eat dinner then going home and hanging out !!
Liked by: Rico

The person below who asked you what the best thing TO DO on a first date is, so you answer doesn't make any sense. LOL. They mean, what would you do on a first date... go to a movie, a restaurant, bowling, watch TV, play video games, etc.? ;)

Yes imma do her

hey perv, would you stfu already about trying to get him to video saying he's gay!!!!! Michaiah is not gay. YOU are the one that's gay. So stop trying to get him to do all these gay things just because it turns YOU on. You're a sicko, so leave Michaiah alone.

I like animals & if ur a perv she's right but idk


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