
Michaiah David Beiter

Ask @michaiah14

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Well if that little perv jerk wants to come on here and lecture people who ask normal questions, that's what he's going to get. So he should just go back to his wife and kids and stay off a teen guy's ask.


lol Michaiah, no more, that's enough of those creepy requests. Haha.

I'm saying more as in you guys keep going on with this stuff

Matthew/David, everyone knows it was u who asked for all these pics: "do one laying down. cam shooting from chest down", "go free balling", "a hug from you", "what do ur feet look like", "boxer santa hat pic", "go commando", "pic of u only wearing your underwear", "cute belly button". Perv!


Hey Matthew R Anderson (@mattlanderson), everyone knows you're the one who begged Michaiah for all the really pervy pics. So take your fake accounts and porn requests somewhere else or your accountS are going to get shut down. And leave Sean alone. We know your "David" too (@david12333321).

aww David

OK everyone, I think Michaiah gets it now. I don't think he'll let anyone answers his questions again. I have to agree, I was really surprised that he would let someone else answer a question and talk about Rachel.

I don't like rachel guys

I think it's just one person making all the mean comments on here. But anyway, Michaiah wasn't trying to do anything wrong. He's one of the nicest guys there is. So whoever you are that's mad or hurt, calm down and get over it. :)

Thank you omg

What do u mean 'um idk'? Your 15 years old, how would u feel if you found out later you were texting with some friend of Rachel's and not Rachel?

I don't even like rachel

She's right Michaiah, that's not right to let someone else answer your questions. It's like lying to the person asking.

okay well it was one everyone lets calm down

How would you like it if you were texting with Rachel for an hour and then you find out that it was a friend of hers who was really texting, and Rachel didn't tell you?

Um idk?

It doesn't matter if it was 1 question or 100 questions, you should never trick people and not tell them that someone else answering a question. They ask questions here for YOU to answer, not someone else.

OMF chilllll

"It's Abigail yeah" yeah right lmao, so i guess Abigail answered all these questions right?

No she just answers that one I'm in church ??

If you're telling the truth, that was extremely rude of you to have someone else answering your questions and not telling the people asking the questions. This is your ask, so when people ask questions they're asking you, not someone else, and they don't want to be tricked and get answers from them.

It was only one question omg

"my friend" So "your friend" is answering YOUR ask, and knows what Rachel's father said about her tennis body? hahahahah

It's Abigail yeah

Um yes it was you who said Rachel's name! Lol. You said "Rachel's dad thinks she has the body of a tennis player but she hates tennis so boo". You must have a really bad memory because you just said it like 2 minutes ago. ha ha.

But I didn't answer that

LOL I know it's a hard question, but please answer it. Would you rather date a girl with a beautiful body/face and bad personality OR a girl with an ugly body/face and a great personality?

Prob personality

I love tennis. I can teach you. Tennis is fun and it is much easier to learn than golf.

Rachel's dad thinks she has the body of a tennis player but she hates tennis so boo

Would you rather date a girl with a beautiful body/face and bad personality OR a girl with an ugly body/face and a great personality?

oh this is hard

That's great that you usually drink water. Soda (pop) is terrible for you and people need to stop drinking it so much. It's like all sugar.

I like water !!!


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