
Michaiah David Beiter

Ask @michaiah14

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oh that's what you do? I thought u said you shave it. Like shaving it means taking it all off but trimming is just making it shorter. You should just not touch it or trim it, but not shave it :)

okay sounds like a plan

ha ha your welcome, the reason most girls dont like it bare down there is because its like a little boy, not like a hot teen guy. So you should let yours grow and then just trim it with scissors a little if it gets too long :)

That's what I do

lol it is true, ask any girl, most of them will tell you they think having some hair down there is sexy

THanKs So MuCH !1!1!1!1!1!!1!1

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well even after 4 months, then just trim it dont shave it, because having some hair down there turns girls on alot lol, its true

if you say so

im not a bruh im a girl so i guess im a bruhette lol. My bf is about Seans age and he just has a little hair down there, and its really hot i think. Does sean have a little or alot. Or medium?

no idea tbh Ik what I have THO

Awe thank you! I woke up to that smart and perfect thing! I'm pretty smart but idk about the perfect part lol but thank you, I wish every guy was like you, your like my dream guy, have a good day!!

Aww that's so cute thank you

Yes. And the girl who gets you will think think you are excellent beautiful and special. And maybe edible too. lol

oh yummy

e is hard... lmao. That made me laugh. But you're right, E is a hard one. Um, excellent, exotic, easy, elegant, energetic, eager, explosive. Oh, and edible. hahahaha.

Excellent beautiful special

thats good, i wouldn't change anything either. it's all a part of life. and i just think about the good memories, not the bad ones.

That's very true. I think we had more good then bad it Depends on what I wanna remember

Aww, I'm sorry. I thought alot about marrying my last bf too, then after we broke up i said 'i cant believe i wanted to marry him!' LOL, just remember what my parents said,,, you will definitely find Mr. Right... um i mean Mrs. Right for you hahah

I wouldn't change anything

Lol, maybe its not about YOU messing up, maybe its about HER messing up. ;);) But really, its not about either person messing up, its just that, like my dad also says, no teenager can expect to find the person they're gonna marry. He says 'it takes practice' haha.

I know

I asked my parents one time how many married couples they know who were a couple when they were teenagers. They said ONE. They started dating when they were seniors in high school. But that's it, just ONE. But like at 14 or 15 or 16, it has to be zero. Kids our age never together forever.

I thought I would marry her

Aw im sorry about ur ex hurting u. :( Ive been hurt by an ex but not by using my pics or anything. Just not being nice mainly. Its just weird how you can love someone then you breakup and they treat u so differently. My parents say there'll be lots of boys before I finally find 'mr right'. lol

I don't wanna mess up with a lot of girls

yeah, but when youre in love with someone, you think your bf (gf for you) would never do anything to hurt you. its like people get blinded by love lol. It never happened to me but i know girls, and boys, who were hurt like that by their ex.

I know what getting hurt my UR ex is like but it's okay

youre welcome. :) i mean if you have/had a gf and you wanted to send her a dirty pic in private thats ok ha ha. but not tooo dirty cause they can use them to hurt you if you breakup. That happened to one of my best friends, her ex showed people dirty pics of her. :(

oh well that's not ok

I'm glad youre not into the dirty life lol, I like all your 'normal' pictures. I dont like ones where someone tells u that want u to pose a certain way and do certain weird things and all that. Well you know what I mean. I just like normal you. :)

thank you very much

Oh wait, the turtle cant type my papers for school cause it would be reallyy slow. Lol. Get it, turtle, slow. Ha ha.


Aww thanks. I like u too, you're really nice. And I promise I'll never ask u for dirty pictures lol.

I know I like pictures more when they are clear I'm not into that dirty life

Yes, a typing turtle is really cool. And it knows english too! If i had one, it could type all my papers for school. :-O

I like u

Yes, these were all from that one guy: "do one laying down, cam shooting from chest down", "go free balling", "a hug from you", "what do ur feet look like", "boxer santa hat pic", "go commando", "pic of u only wearing your underwear", "cute belly button". And there's more, that's just SOME of them.

I know

Aww, I looked again and saw how the pics are gone and you reanswered them. :) I love it. Thank you. And I don't know who the 'wise old turtle' is but i didnt know turtles could type. haha.


your choices will effect you if not now than later, make wise ones honoring god + yourself it will serve you well- a wise old turtle

I'm a human

Thanks for getting rid of some of them! :))) But I still see three of them up from 2 days ago. Two of them your pulling up your shirt in a restaurant I think, and the other one your standing with your shirt off in a dark room. Thank you taking them off Michaiah. It's very sweet. :)

oh I didn't know you wanted those gone to but I'll take them down now

Thank you for saying you'll delete them! That's an early birthday present for me. lol :)

I did delete them & reanswerd them as u see


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