
Michaiah David Beiter

Ask @michaiah14

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Just because I looked back at previous questions. I dare you to go free balling ALL DAY on either Friday or Saturday and then post a pic of you on your ask of you Walking around freeballing. Now u tell me a dare.

I dare you to like all my answers !!!

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Yes, Sean posts normal pics and never puts up gross pics because some anon tells him to. Yours look like childporn. Just stop and taken them all down. You don't need to get self-confidence from some creepy anon guy begging you for half naked pics! Everyone knows its a guy. Tell ur mom what ur doing

ok mom :)
Liked by: John Kyle Shhshs

Don't you have any respect for yourself? All these pics you're posting for that anon are gross and like porn, not like normal pics that Sean posts. You're being taken advantage of by the guy who's asking you for all the pics. You're going to regret what you're doing, so take down all those pics.

Sean post pics shirtless & no I won't. It's my stomach everyone has seen it. I'm dressed in every pic & sean put of a picture of me naked, I'm dressed babe
Liked by: John Kyle Shhshs

most everyone else freaks

look. A fan is a fan I say I love fans that everyone God made you who you are so why would I freak on something my lord made? No that's not me. I'm caring & if any of you guys need anything don't be scared to ask
Liked by: Johnny John Kyle Shhshs

I find this all quite amusing. you can do whatever you want. it's your life. this person is just a bad as the person askikg for the pics. do what you want. if they care this so much about you why are the anon?

I don't even think old people are on my ask. I know what's good for me & my body will be on everything. Me & sean are going to be big & they will have pics of me shirtless & I like it. I can do what I please. I'm pretty sure most of you guys enjoy it
Liked by: Johnny John Kyle Shhshs

jeez Michaiah,,, DO NOT put up the pics for that anon creep asking for pics in your underwear!!!!!! he's the guy with all the questions about going commando, freeballing, not wearing underwear and doing a pic in your underwear with a Santa hat on!!! All the same guy. IGNORE all those Michaiah!!!!!!

Liked by: Johnny John Kyle Shhshs

Take down those pics showing your shirt pulled up!!!! That guy is going to put your pics on these x-rated websites and they'll be there forever... so enough Michaiah just dont do it anymore!!! And delete those pics you just put up.

Dang it's stupid abs


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