
Michaiah David Beiter

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"I didn't ask him that??" Wow, Rachel just proved that she DOES think about you! :)) And she also proved that she follows your ask. Haha. Oh Rachel, just get back together with Michaiah, he's like the nicest guy there is.

She doesn't like me it's okay
Liked by: Nick Ta Mère

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Of course Rachel thinks about you. BUT, that doesn't mean she wants to get back together. But maybe she's just not sure right now. The only way to know if she think about you is to ASK HER. But that's up to you. You could just text "Do you still think about me?" and then go from there.

It's not really a big del
Liked by: Nick Ta Mère

"do you think rachel ever thinks about you?" That was probably Rachel who asked you that. ;)

no I don't think so. Maybe someone just wanted to know. I think she might but idk not really sure
Liked by: Nick Ta Mère

I really don't think you should name your first child Dawn or Marissa because if it's a boy he'll hate you for naming him that. lol

WPW REALLY I meant for a girl
Liked by: Nick Ta Mère

If Sean gets really famous, will you work for him like some of Justin Bieber's friends work for him?

yes & I'll model with him & be like Nash & cam that's are plan babes
Liked by: Nick Ta Mère

Thank you. I know you weren't trying to be rude. You're just hurt about what happened. There's nothing I want you to answer. I just thought those 2 articles MIGHT help. If not, just ignroe them. :)

I'll read them

That was rude to tell that person to leave you alone. They were just trying to be nice. i read those real quick, their pretty good.

I'm not trying to be mean. I don't wanna talk about Rachel anymore

After my breakup, late nights were always the hardest, especially on the weekends. Cause I had so much time to relax and think (about my ex and what we had), instead of keeping busy with school or friends or sports or tv or studying or whatever, so I could take my mind off it.

I don't think about it. I'm okay

I guess you didn't like my M&Ms joke at the end there. I was trying to get you to laugh for a second. :P

I can't laugh on here

OK... different subject. I like who your favorite celeb is. I think Eminem is a poet. It's also one of my favorite candies, Eminems (M&Ms). Hahaha.

I like him bc he talks to me. He say the right thing at the right time and never fails.

That's totally fine if you don't want to talk about any more. :) Believe me, I understand. It hurts a lot, I know. I've been there. And when it first happened, the only thing I wanted to hear was that we had a chance to get back together. So just know that you're not alone in how you're feeling.

I'm sure many people know, finding out every I love you didn't matter :)

Look, you can always look back on the good times and how you loved each other. But you can't let it stop you from moving on & finding an even better relationship, which WILL happen. Like I said, almost 100% of teen relationships end some time. Think about it. But one day, we all find that someone. )

I have no desire to talk about this anymore

Sorry MIchiah, but true love DOES end. It sometimes takes a long time though. Trust me, I was in love for 3 yrs and it ended. I got over it. But I found someone else. And you will too, for sure! :)) You're only 15!!!! Kids our age break up a lot. Almost ALL teen couples break up. It's a fact.

God said love never fails. Love dying is love failing. True love never goes away. Love never hurts you. I will say it again. No one knows what love is. Love is dying on a cross for the people who spit in UR face & hated you & all you say back is forgive them for they don't know what they have done. That's love. So no you are wrong. Love doesn't fail it doesn't die it doesn't end.
Liked by: Joshua Beiter

That's why I don't think you should have revealed so much about your breakup.. that guy/girl thinks it's a game, just like you said. He/she thinks it's just fun gossip on the internet. It doesn't matter if Rachel has a problem. I'm just worried about YOU, telling all details to a stranger on here. )

Thank you ❤️

Also, please don't say things like "Guess I wasn't good enough". That's crazy. You're a great guy & 15 is so young. Girls come and go LOTS for teen guys. It can so hard when they want to end it, but it happens. It's totally normal. So you ARE good enough! Feelings change, that's just how it is.

True love never dies. All I have to say to this. You guys don't know what love is

how has your new internet celebrity status, due to the amount of attention garnered from the 2013-2014 break up Rachel, affected you and your loved ones?

What are you doing? This isn't a game

I read your convo below about Rachel. I'm really sorry how much the breakup is hurting you, but I think you're telling way way too much on here, expecially to an anon. What happened with your ex is extremely personal so I don't think you should say so much on a site like this, to strangers. :)

yes but people are allowed to know. I understand you but if Rachel has a problem she can text me and ask me to stop

She honestly sounds like a bitch. you deserve a lot better.

I don't need you calling her names. Okay she might have just fell out of love. Or she has someone better. But idc she's not a bitch.


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