
Michaiah David Beiter

Ask @michaiah14

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"Christina doesn't want you posting about her". Its so thoughtful of people to tell you what Christina wants hahaha :/


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You really should turn anon off because you get way too many annoying questions from people who are rude or mean to you. So turn off anon and it will end forever. :)

yes but a lot of people like to ask me nice things to so I wanna be there for them that's why I do this

It would be so nice to chill with you one day and just talk about things.

I like taking to people so I understand you

that not what I've eard about you.....

Yeah and I know you have prob heard a lot of bad things about me & I'll be the first to tell you I do so many stupid things I say things I regret & I hurt people who don't deserve it. I'm only a normal person that doesn't mean any things I do is right but I'm not perfect & if you ever wanna change the first thing you have to do is admit to yourself you need help or you have a problem and I know I do I know i do stupid things but that doeant mean I don't love her or love my friends or care about people. I'm just a hurt person and I'm going through hard times still not a good reason to be so rude but in trying to grow I'm trying to be he person I'm suppose to be and if you know me at all then you will understand me and forgive me.

advice for someone in a relationship

Fight to make to work u only meet the right person one time. You will always mess up but do you best to make it up always make sure they feel loved and always put them first. Do whatever u can to keep them bc you will regret losing them bc they where there when you needed them every time me and Christina to through a hard time I realize how much she means to me and how I really care about her and do Truly wanna be with her and to lose her would hurt me more then I've been hurt before bc she showed me so many amazing things and if you have someone you care about just d your best to make them happy

my bestfriend has a boy friend and on instagram she likes other guys pictures, isn't that wrong or is it just me who thinks that

Just bc you like someone's pic doesn't really mean anything

I read that rose petals smell so good that it attracts people who want to have sex with you, not kidding i just read that on google hahaha

I'll keep that in mind !!!

Good. :) I didnt want you to think that i thought YOU were fat and smelly hahaha. You're thin and smell like rose pedals ;))

I hope that's good !!!

LMAO Michaiah, that was just an example of how people say not to be rude, then go on to be rude. :))

Yes I know I was joking around

ikr. its like "Not to be rude (pick a name), but you're really fat and your breath smells like a sewer." haha


Did you ever notice that every time someone starts a question with "not to be rude", the questions always ends up being rude? Lol

That's how people work

"I have a feeling that your dick is probably huge lol". << Why does Jake kev say stuff like that on anon??

I got that question like a week ago dude

omg that anon is a perv and comes here just to get their sexual thrills from u lmao

That's one of my friends lol

Do you think highway to hell my acdc was on Jesus's "go get the keys from hell" mixtape when he died on the cross?

PROB dude

Someone will now probably come on here and say I'm a perv for saying that and I just get my sexual thrills from you haha but we all know I get my sexual thrills from pizza so

I know who u are they can say all they want

Are you my pinky toe? Because I'd bang you on all my furniture hahaha -man with mountain goats

Yes I am ((;

i love you

That hard part about love is after you have been hurt so many times you can't believe "I love you" but thank you anon love always means a lot

We were together close to a year. Ended ok but we have fought a few times since. Nothing big, thought

well then talk to him and see what he thinks I'm sure he will listen

this guy keeps grabbing my butt! what does that mean? and how do you get him to stop? I told him already but he keeps doing it

Tell an adult


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