
Michaiah David Beiter

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o so bc I chew with my mouth open a lot u don't love me *cry* *sob* *tear*

I've never noticed tbh I love you

so many ******* people were getting angry with u foe no reason

I know! It's really annoying but whatever ask away

its a blessing and a curse that you have so many questions i dont have any questions like ever except the question of the day

Well I guess people wanna know about me

maybe all the nosy people should just back off and leave your private life alone

That would be nice

But if u r not dating them animor y would U care unless it is rachael

Because I said I wouldn't say anything

u know ur supposed to wait to get married to have sex (do u feel the guilt)

Yeah you should but I believe different so

who the heck would ever in a million years would ever have sex with you :P

Maybe someone who loves me?

Will u go out with me maybe? I'm relly tall and have short blond hair

I have a girlfriend I'm sorryv

ok i thought i was fat before bc my brother teases me and calls me names like chubby squirrel and stuff like that (and im a girl...)

Well he's wrong you aren't

Awww your so sweet saying that 120 isn't fat to the girl or boy that you don't even know and does Rachel care if you call people pretty ?

Why would she care? No she doesn't uplifting people is good

on instagram have you seen all or almost all the people u follow in real life?

Yes I do follow fans to

it is if ur 5'3

No it's not! If your a girl u have boobs and a butt so that's going to weigh more but you aren't fat your probably really pretty!


Language: English