
Michaiah David Beiter

Ask @michaiah14

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I don't think so, I already tried all that. Hes so stupid. He still picked the other girl even after she messed him up.

How long where you with him ? Did it end bad

I need help.What do u do when ur in love with ur ex but he says he loves someone else?

you need to show him your better for him give him time talk to him start slow and let him know you still have feelings don't push it don't make him cheat show him you love and need him and let him pick if he loves you then he will go to you :)

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i luv the way they connect ur forearm to ur upper arm and shoulder its so cool

I've never heard that before thank u

Thanks I'm so happy I can talk to you about this I usually keep everything inside feels good to let it out ((:

if anyone every needs meh kik just ask !1!1

Thank you but idk if I wanna be with someone who flirts with everyone, but I will always have feelings for him he was my first crush, is that normal?

Yes you always have feelings for your First love unless they smash UR heart !!!!

AWH I love how you asked that Anom "do you like him" you tryed to make a convo that's really sweet it shows how you care about your fans

Well I like knowing how people feel and getting to know what's going on thank you

I appreciate you asking me! And yes I did in 6th grade at the time I had to hide my feelings because he was dating my bff, he flirted with me a lot while they were dating and she found out and ended our friendship and continued on with him ( they broke up tho) but me and her haven't talked since

oh well if you like him I after it I mean trying is better then never knowing you might as well try :))

Me and my guy friend were texting and I called him crazy and he said "fuck you" and I said thanks and he said "is that good" and I said what? And he said "nvm" what did he mean by that ( he flirts a lot )

No idea maybe he wants to bang u

Oh, i wasnt sure if that happens to all boys or just some. So you never wake up and its really hard?

Nope don't think so

i read on Seans ask someone asking him if its true that boys sometimes wake up with a boner. He said he does sometimes. Do you?

Nope not really

omg 15 pounds, thats amazing!!!! im so proud of you and happy for you. Keep it going! You look great now, but when you get to 150 youre going to be too hot to handle :))

That's what I'm hoping!! Thank you

i hope you've been taking pics of yourself at different weight, like the exact same pic at 120 lbs, 125, 130, 135, every 5 pounds or so,, so people can look at them side by side and see the difference :)

I have ones from 120 & 135 & one 130 it's a huge difference

Youre hot but GAIN WEIGHT. Like 30 pounds :)

I'm trying so far I have Put on 15 pounds in 2 months 136 rn imma be 150 by 16 im hoping

"Sean's perfect❤️❤️❤️" <<< ok michaiah, u get 3 guesses who said that? LOL i know you only need 1 guess.

It was his mom wasn't it (;

I don't really understand why both living together but i hope things will be better between us ;) !!


Yeah your probably right I haven't really had the best of luck when it comes to being social or friendly lol.

Just trust me you will find your best friend

Nah it wont happen. I have felt so alone my whole life because I can't find anyone I actually trust and it sucks to see everyone so happy and im over here just trying to get through it.

Then you haven't found the right person yet

I wish I had a friendship like you and Seans. I am really jealous of it because I can't find people who aren't fake and won't stick up for me if someone is talking shit about me.

aw that's not okay I'm sure you will find a best friend

You mean "we each live with out own mom". Your answer sort of made it sound like you and Sean have the same mom lol :))

no me and Sean are dating


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