
Michaiah David Beiter

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some guy rachel hahaha im totally a guy with long hair and boobs and everything else :)))))

Yeah I mean I always that girls had that?????

He's right. Everyone's gonna have their own opinion an you shouldn't change it for anyone. People shouldn't get so mad about differing opinions. Homosexuality is a sin

Thank you omg thank you!
Liked by: Chloe Brasington

Why do you hate gays aren't you gay? I'm pretty sure I saw you making out with some guy Rachel? Hmmmm.

Okay. First thing she's a girl. Second you can be all rude to me. But don't bring Rachel into this she did nothing bitch. Oh and I'm blocking you. Ever say something bad about my girlfriend again. And I won't seem very Christan :-)
Liked by: Tucker Howell

I guess we have come to the conclusion that you are too narrow-minded (notice that I am not calling you stupid) for me to continue debating with. Let me just that when you find yourself in the 'real world' you will discover that this kind of discrimination won't be tolerated.

Ashley Russell
I kinda live in the real world :-) thanks tho you made my day so fun :-)

I didn't say I liked it. You don't have to like something to not hate it. I wouldn't go out and do it myself but, likewise, a gay probably thinks having sex with a woman is 'nasty'. It's all a matter of perception.

Ashley Russell
No it's normal sex with a woman is how it should be

Well at least you are sticking by your argument, I can at least respect you for that. Your morals are questionable (what if a husband/wife is abusive to their partner?) and I truly hope you see that as and when you 'grow up'.

Ashley Russell
It says if a mad hurts his wife to leave or if he cheats she can leave

Leave it alone. It's a sin to certain people and not a sin to certain people. Let it be. And just so your aware there's nothing appealing about gay's. It's not called hate. It's simply.. you love everyone so you love the sinner but hate the sin. That's not saying you hate on them because your not:))

Thank you!

Out of interest, do you think, along with a lot of Christians around the world, that divorce is a sin? It does explicitly say so in the bible after all... "What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate,"

Ashley Russell
Yes it is a sin I hate when people leave there wife of husband

cont. I'm not gay myself, but know of people who are and, guess what, I really don't give a damn. What they do is up to them but they have received a lot of hate because of it. Is that fair when every part of their life is dedicated to making other people's lives better?

Ashley Russell
What do you like about people being gay? It's nasty. End. Of. It.

You despise some of the things I listed? Now that's desperation if ever I saw it. I'm willing to bet that you have had your hair cut. If you aren't vegetarian I would also be willing to bet you have eaten pork (if you are then touché.) Please just remember that the views you hold do hurt people.

Ashley Russell
Well I hate cutting my hair if if makes you happy :-)

Guys relax, everyone has there own opinion on things. He's right though. In the bible it clearly says that it's a sin. It says a man and women should be together.. Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve.

Yes thank you! If you are gay good for you. and a sin. Love is for a man and woman

May I pick up on "I won't ever agree with you"? This, to me, is a sure fire way of knowing you are talking to an ignorant human being. Even I am willing to be argued that one of my beliefs is incorrect. Not because I don't believe in them but because I know that I don't know everything.

I do know it's a sin tho

It is also a sin (as told by the bible) to east shellfish or pigs, to wear any more than one material, to cut your hair, to get a tattoo, to have more than one seed in your garden, to have a cross-breed dog... and the list goes on. Would you hate someone with any of these characteristics?

Ashley Russell
Some of them I don't like yes and I don't do all but my clothes

Fair enough, if you want to know my name then you can know my name. Desmond Tutu (yes, that devout Christian) describes homophobia is a "crime against humanity" and "every bit as unjust" as apartheid. To view what someone does as a sin is not love... it's hate.

Ashley Russell
Why don't you get that it is a sin. It is wrong it's in the bible it is a sin. I won't ever agree with you

You really are very narrow-minded, aren't you? A homosexual relationship doesn't have to involve sex and as much as a heterosexual relationship doesn't. Your hate is potent and rather disturbing, considering you think yourself a Christian (whatever happened to love and forgiveness?)

I never said I didn't love them. I said it's a sin now if they changed there ways I would forgive them but not till they do. If you are so confident about this come off anon and really talk to me about it don't be fake. You are fake

Haha, you don't have to 'deal' with anything. You need to come to terms with the fact that the view of homosexuality as a sin is immoral, unjust and incompatible with modern life. It's not me it is going to benefit, it is you and the world as a whole.

It's a sin it's evil. That's all that matters no guy should have his dick up some guys butt. End of it.

"So Sean is 100% right..." - So you're happy for people to have views that make people's life not worth living and ultimately, get people killed? Does that seem Christian to you? Religion changes with time, you wouldn't think to own a slave but the bible says it's okay (Lev. 25:44.)

Now I have to deal with you? Great

What do you do to entertain yourself?

Think about what entertaining thing my girlfriend is doing right now

What do you think people think of you?

I really don't know some prob hate me and some might not. But it's there choice so if they don't sucks


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