
Michaiah David Beiter

Ask @michaiah14

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do u and sean live in the same house?

we did but I actually haven't seen him in awhile bc of things we aren't going to talk about but soon we will be back together

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"what would u say to someone whos thinking about committing suicide?" I would say "Whatever it is that is causing u so much pain is temporary. I know ur hurting really bad right now but I promise u that things will definitely get better." Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. :)

That is a very good thing to say

What if it was someone you love?

I would go see them or have them all me and name every reason they should be alive and name every person they would hurt if thry died I would tell them they are loved and needed and if it's not okay in the end it's not the end

i would totally give you some if you were here, whats your fave kind of pizza?

I don't care actually like I eat all pizza

Exactly! When it comes to my phone, there's know way i can trust everyone, so i never let it out of my possession, never.

yeah I use to trust people with my phone but like the past year I stopped

Instead of "girl, money, phone & family", you should say "phone, family, money & honey" hahahaha

oh bc it rhymes !! UR cool !1!1!

Don't EVER let your phone out of your sight. I know you'll never do that again right? Haha.

No you think you could trust people. Guess not

That anon who insulted Sean on here is the one who goes to Seans ask all the time and insults him about the same things he talked about on here. Hey anon, get something straight... MIchaiah and Sean are brothers and they are great friends, so Michaiah is never going to take your side so give it up.

Yeah even if Sean did something bad I would always look for the best in it bc I love him

Your the nicest guy ever!!! And I just love how you treat ppl with respect and kindness! Ily❤️

& I'll always be nice as long as you don't mess with my girl, money, phone & family

Did you chase her down

No I didn't know who it was at frist I had my friend help me she heard someone talking about it in the bathroom

how she grab it?? & did you yell at her

I walked away in class for a second and she took it. Yeah I cussed her out

1. hey other anon, so what if sean gives short answers to people who ask long questions. he gets too many questions so he doesnt have time to give long answers. 2. if people offend him, he has a right to offend them back if he wants. 3. he is NOT rude, you are the rude one anon for calling him rude.

everyone should be loving and nice !!!!!!!!

Ya you had to go in the bathroom because she couldve gone through your whole phone. How rude she was for doing that!!!

Yeah I know I was like oh hell nooooo

Ya, I would've done what you did and gotten that phone back right away! I would've been so mad if someone did that to me. That's serious taking someone's phone.

Yeah that's why I went into the girls bathroom

That anon who just said Sean is rude is a total idiot. Sean is extremely nice to people on his ask. But he gets LOTS of very rude questions all the time, like people asking for dirty pics and people saying mean things about Shania. Also, he gets hundreds of questions, so he has to keep answers short

Yeah I know that's what I was trying to say some people are rude they don't deserve an answer

Well whoever it was is a jerk. You never take someones phone. So I'm glad you went and got it back.

Yeah I know it was unlocked to and has my bank account and all that like I paid 800 bucks for this you wanna steal my phone good luck.

Sean's so rude to his fans smh I just send him a question about this that I doubt he'll answer because he's too "famous" now so I'll tell you a couple things he does 1. people sent him long responses and he gives then a 2 word answer 2. people offend him and he offends back 3. he's just so rude

I don't know maybe he just isn't in the mood and I don't think he's rude to you guys but when people ask stupid things it's fun to mess around with them don't get offended by what he does he's not trying to be mean


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