
Monica ✌️

Ask @moniemonta

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What do you believe in?

I believe that everybody at a certain age becomes infatuated with the word love . See when I was little I thought love was red roses and dates on the weekends . I thought love was getting random black boxes with expensive things and always knowing what to say. I thought It was kissing in the rain and deep explanations of the smallest things and the perfect story. But now that I'm older I know love is nothing like that.
Love for me is ugly snapchats and peeing well your on the phone. Love is kissing at 6 am despite the morning breath and singing at the top of your lungs well you agree and disagree about who's singing the right lyrics. It's saying all the wrong things at all the wrong moments and it's sarcasm and honesty even though it hurts sometimes. It's talk at late hours of the night well your hair isn't done or you have no make up. Love is tears of laughter and tears of sadness and it's just nothing like any story book you've ever read. It's never running out of things to talk about and even if you do you enjoy the comfortable silence . It's getting mad over stupid things . It's "you're an idiot " and "you're so annoying " and knowing your so lucky to hear those words everyday. It's spilling your feeling at 4 am even though you should be asleep. It's the WORST story you've ever heard but you thank god it worked out anyways. True love is never losing the magic or leaving when things get to hard .
Growing up I thought love was just like the storybooks and movies but it's not and I have to say I like my I mean OUR definition of love better then any storybook or movie ever written . ❤️

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What are you going to do cause Brandon's graduating?!?!??

I KNOW HES GRADUATING TOMORROW WHY. I am honestly going to miss him even if I do see him everyday . It's just knowing he's at school with me that makes me feel safe and he's not going to be there so it's going to suck so much :,( all I know us tomorrow I'm going to be crying my eyes out not just for him but because of all my other favorite people that are leaving me :,( he'll just be a main reason why I'm crying cause he's leaving me :,(

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Well what do you think of her?

I think that I rather not put her on blast cause it's none of my business ?

What is the best way to get to your heart?

Idk I'm weird so if you could make me feel normal because you're 1,000x weirder then me I guess that's one way ? :-)
Liked by: Brandon Montenegro

You're sexy babe (;

EWWW lmao you're making me really uncomfortable please leave .-. And don't call me babe only my love is allowed to call me babe sorry not sorry ✌️✋
Liked by: Brandon Montenegro

How do you get over a break up?

Well it depends on how much I liked the person honestly . My last relationship was easy to get over because I was over being with the guy months before . That sounds bitchy but he did not know how to treat a lady so he treated me no better then the ground he walked on . BUT if it's someone you love I can't help you cause I've never been in love in any of my past relationships only the relationship I'm in now :/ It all depends on how you were treated in the relationship .
Liked by: Brandon Montenegro

You're so pretty just thought id let you know ^.^

It's sad that this question is probably the only good thing that's happen today . Thank you very much (:

What's ur kik?

I've given my kik out before and it's in my bio come on dude you can look you got this ;-)

Y won't u answer the question?

Becauseeeee there are something's in my life I would like to keep to myself :-) or in this case between me and him :-)

Ur wedding ring is a ring pop?

Okay I just saw this question .-. Lmao
BUT I told my boyfriend I wanted to get proposed to with a ring pop and that it was on my bucket list . And when he asked me to prom he pulled out a ring pop . HONESTLY , I thought it was the cutest thing ever because I told him this information last month or so and he remembered . This man has a bad memory , so the fact that he remembered was amazing to me . SOOOOOO to answer your question yes it is a ring pop and I rather have that then a diamond ring ❤️✋

What is the safest place in the world?

I'm in a really depressed mood so if I can find a safe place that'd be very very nice right now .

How do you want to be asked to prom?

Oohhhh that is something I can not answer at the moment because I honestly don't know . Lmao I know how I would ask someone but I don't know how I'd want to be asked :-)


Language: English