
Nouri Hassan

Ask @n0urri

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List 20 people who made 2013 good

Josh, Aly, Teah, Eskin, Althea, Alaia, Kyle N., My mom, My aunt, Dom, Christian G, Jade, Illini, Ashley B, Tiff, Samia, Jess G, Reb, and uhh I don't think I can think of two more people lol. Not many people "made my year"

If you could learn a new skill today, what would it be?

I'd want to learn how to play a new instrument like trumpet, sax, or flute

If you had the chance to start over with someone, would you go back and meet them again or chose not to meet them at all? Who and why?

I think I wouldn't start over with anyone or choose not to meet someone cause all those people have influenced me in some way and it was simply meant to happen. I could probably be way different than who I am right now if I hadn't meet certain people or something.

the one in your ask bio

Hmm well I've made a lot of mistakes while focusing on a bigger target. Like...I'd take advantage of the small things to get to a bigger goal without caring but in the end I realize I hurt people or did the wrong thing in the process of getting what I want. I suck at explaining, but maybe it's comprehensive?

im guessing the anon meant the quote in your bio "you make mistakes because youre focusing on the target and not on your actions"

Oh yeah

do you remember thanksgiving last year? what was good or bad about it?

I'm guessing it was good? I have a picture on instagram from last year..it was better this year though. A lot more dessert at my aunts then last year lol but there's always good food there.

Who do talk to everyday at school? :)

Hmm...I talked to Teah, Samia, Reiner, Liz, Kaylin, Victor, Arianna, Albert, Eskin, Christian G, Ashley B, and other people daily in school.

Excusemua. How can you not be a huge fan. Omg this is the best book in the series and like AHHHHHHHH

I'm just not lol. Never got into it and I'm not a fan of reading in general so...yeah. I know what happens though

biggest relief lately??

Knowing that somethings are beginning to get better. I know the majority of my music for Sunday, I have good grades so far (minus chem), and other things relating to friends. For once, mostly everything is going the way I want it to.

question 20- last question! what do you think the purpose of life is?

You live and die with reason. You have a reason to be alive and you need to make the best out of every single day. No regrets...just live. And when you die, you know that you lived out your life as best as you could.

question 19- what is beauty?

Everyone has their own definition for beauty..idk. To me, it could be little things. The way you play an instrument could be beautiful. A positive personality, nice smile, looks...etc.

question 18- celebrity crush/ woman crush?

I guess a celebrity crush would be Kevin Baird from TDCC or Mark Pontius from FTP and my woman crush is Mary Elizabeth Winstead (she was Ramona flowers from Scott pilgrim vs the world).

What does it mean when a bird poops on me?

My mom always told it me it's good luck but I wouldn't want that to happen to me lmao


Language: English