

Ask @NabilaaSwifty

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Honestly answer this. Have you lost your first kiss?

What if i say yes? :( Will people think im a naughty girl and dont want to friend me? What if i say no? :( will people think im a kuku and dont want to friend me? :(

More like you took things seriously, but the guy(s) did not... and in the end you got fucking hurt.

D: Omg hahaha did i tell you one of my sad stories. Nah i really didnt take some seriously and i did hurt some guys too!! It's not always the guy's fault at times really! :(

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HI IS THIS LINUS!!! A lot laa okay really a lot!!! :( I'm quite embarrassed to admit. Cause last time i just never really took things seriously i guess.... :( and i dunno how to reject people also!

Will you work on weekdays?

Are you gonna visit me hahaha!!! >< depends on when im free actually!! :)

You worked at Nandos?

Yes!!! :) Since aft O's hahaha then i quit because of school and then last year i continued at a diff branch :) Really love working there cause they're all super nice ^_____^!!

Are you going back to work at Nandos Haliban?

Yesh suomynona (anonymous)!!!! :) Maybe like once a week cause i wanna actually save for a new laptop he he he ^______^

Damn! You should be honoured that people read your entries! And I don't think that I survived to the end of every entry... but I tried... :( Some entries are interesting though

Yaaa I know, some are really too long and wordy D: D: D: Thanks for reading!! :3

Tell you laa... I was the one who asked you the questions.

Hahha okay thanks for entertaining me all this time.. ><

Nobody asked you to instagram your food here... I merely asked for evidence...

T-T!!!!! Okay then I dunno! Your typing style is very familiar hmmmm

So is Bwendan or Bwyant? Or somebody else? And instagramming food does not equal to eating them hor... Take an x-ray of your stomach and show me. XD

Maybe they take turns!! >:( Hahahha should be one of them since nobody ask me to instagram my food as evidence before...... T-T

To the girl I am stalking, please update your blog... they are like my bed-time stories. Without them I have difficulty sleeping... :(

LOL why are you stalking me!! And my entries are so long omggg how do you survive all the way to the end!?!?!? D:

yeah right.... please provide evidence as to your meals. (Btw, who am I?)

I dunno!! Maybe brendan or bryant? I did!! I instagram a lot of food eh nowadays!!! :(

If my eyes spoil then your thinking what sia!!! You are thin please!!! EAT MORE!!!

I'm not!! I really eat a lot more than you think i do! T-T That's why must keep exercising..

What is your favorite way of wasting time?

This is the easiest question to answer LOL XD
Stoning, replying texts (seriously I have too many people to reply... But i still lub you guys so i shall reply.. Late :p), sleeping, watching shows!!!! (himym, new girl, pll, i watch almost everything +_+)

Excuses!!! Go ring some way of weighing yourself lah!

Ring? XD Hahaha lazy!! I would weigh myself at the gym previously but i dont really use the gym equipments so i stopped going he he XD XD

Not buying that. Go weigh yourself somehow, then reply again.

Really dont have!!!! :/ I think my whole family dont wanna demoralize ourselves... ><

Dare: go take your weight, and calculate your BMI. Post it as a reply

I have no weighing machine at home!!! :p (luckily)

YOU MUST BE CRAZY RIGHT!!! Your self-esteem so low one meh? Force you level up ah!!!

Hahaha i dunno eh. A bit low actually since im surrounded by pretty people >____<

How pretty do you think you are?

Not really..... :x i think there are much prettier girls everywhere which makes my self-esteem decrease a lot a lot a lot


Language: English