

Ask @NabilaaSwifty

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how is the collegue there?

They're all damn nice to meeee hahaha some will bully me tho but they're just playing so it's okay ><!!

define nanods!

Nandos is a lovely place with my favourite thing: SPICYNESSSSS!!! ^_____^ It's mostly chicken so you wouldn't wanna go there if you're vegetarian or like.. fish lover >< It's really yummmm and I'm not saying this just because I work there. ;)

First impression of me :D (I think i asked this before...)

Linus Lim Hui Xiang
Hahaha I thought you were a nice person but intimidating a little cause of your height I guess but you were really easy to get along with ^_____^

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What's your favourite Curse word? The one that makes you laugh when you hear it or makes sense when you use is philosophically?

Linus Lim Hui Xiang
I like to say dumb/stupid to others hehehehe not sure if it's a curse word but close enough T-T

What if you caught your spouse jacking off? How would you react?

Don't even know if I'll have one in the future so I shall not think so much ><!

What would you name your kid? 1 Boy name and Girl name

Linus Lim Hui Xiang
Ahhh I've never been good with names hahaha I would just go with what future Nabilah or future Nabilah's husband wants I guess ^_____^ Too soon to make a decision but probably a malay name that's easy for other people to pronounce as well!! :)

What is ur ideal boyfrien type?

I don't really know hmmmm I usually just go with it if it feels right and I really really like him and can tell him anything and everything. But it'd be good if he's a bit talkative cause I'm really not T-T else it's gonna be awkward. And he must support taylor swift too and sing with me when I randomly sing her songs awww hahah beyond cute but so unrealistic T-T
Liked by: Andy Chua

do you have a boyfriend? you are a very nice person :)

Aww serious hahaha thanks hopefully this is not one of my naughty friends trolling me XD And nope dont have sadly!!

What are 5 qualities about yourself that you are proud of?

Errrmmm. I'm cheerful?? ^____^ And friendly I guess! Don't really know what else hahaha T-T

should i be happy or not that.. nothing's gonna happen...

Hahaha I dunno :x I hope something will happen to you instead hehe ^____^

Why you so prettyy?

Haha im not laa. There are much prettier girls out there, compliment them too!! :)

How do you think of hms guys?

Answered this before but hmmmm I think hms guys are much nicer as compared to other schools heh heb not judging but generally they have been super nice and thoughtful to my friends and I ^_____^ glad to be in this school!! :)

Nando's or KFC?

Gosh. The answer here is obvious hahahaah nando's cause it's grilled and healthier and not greasy and yummy and spicy!!!!! ^__________^

How's it going? you still have 3 more years.

Hahaha I know what this means. D: err, think nothing's gonna happen actually! !!

If you had to choose a type of color that you thought represented yourself, which would it be?

Blue because it's my favourite and it's a very calming colour!!! :) Like sometimes I'll look up at the sky just to make myself feel better about the day I'm having ^_____^

What is one Super Power you WOULD NOT want to have? Real superpowers, not stuf like "Explosive Diarrhea" or "Menses Control".

Linus Lim Hui Xiang
Invisibility? As much as people wanna be invisible sometimes in reality it just sucks to not be noticed esp by the people who you wish would notice you. Does not only apply to the opposite sex but to family and friends as well :)

:( how can i not not eat fire?

Haha everyone has their oen preference actually but spicy food makes me happy!! ^_____^


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