

Ask @NabilaaSwifty

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i have not the confidence in myself to reveal my name nor my face so you'll have to do with a pseudonym i suppose..Call me T.M :D

Hahaha what does T.M stand for? Your name isit! :X Hahaha where did you know me from?

We'll stay in touch through ask.fm :D. A hint? Perhaps...in the near future :D

Hahaha must you be so secretive!! Just a small hint pleasee :)

:D For you to find out in the near future! :D :D Let's be friends :)

Hahaha then how are we gonna be friends if I dunno you!! Gimme hint? :)

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Thanks for calling me cute, Cutie! :D Your cuteness has been imprinted in my eyes and i can no longer forget it :)

Hahaha thank you too, cutie! I dunno who you are but you're so sweet hope we're close franz :)

I wish I was lucky enough to kiss and sniff your hot, sweaty feet. Spread each individual toe and lick between them.


Nooo it's not the same and sorry I couldn't sleep haha :p

Hahaha it's okay!!! Sleep early next time if not you're gonna haz panda eyes like me :(

what do you think about cat cafes

I like the idea of playing with cats and cuddling with them all day long but omg the recent cafe news is really damn sad!!! So many cats died :'( Maybe it's not such a good idea unless you really really know how to take care of cats and really love them :(

Yay but then I'll seem weird for wanting to see your feet so I don't want you to know who I am!! :p

Why you ask me this qn at 4AM?!?! hahaha yea it's a lil bit weird :$ It's okayy you can observe next time if i wear slippers!! :p

True but if you showed me I could judge for myself! :P :p

HAHHA why you so cute one!!! Okay next time I show you & only you! :D Because it's really quite ugly and I don't really wear slippers so I never noticed T-T

So veins aren't even bad come on please :(

HAHA Y U SO KEWT BUT THEY ARENT PRETTY :'( thanks to you I realized that my index toe (is that what you call it) is so much longer than my big toe and it srsly looks horrible T-T
Liked by: Gregory Ang

Okay to the best t3acher, what you want for t3ach3r's day? I need ask my mummy to buy f0r y0u t3ach3r NABSY h3h3he ;) ;) ;)

Haha anything will be an aw3s0me present because it's from my favouritest stud3nt :')

Post a pic of your feet! I think they'll look good please!

Omg trust me I just tried taking a picture of them and they look h0rrible and they have like... veins and stuff and now my feet feel ugly T-T

W00h00 no hom3work!!! T3ach3r NABSY you the b3st! ^_*

YAYYY HAHA YOURE WELCOME LITTLE GIRL I'm glad I made your day!!! T3acherz day better buy for me something nice hor :p
Liked by: Pamela

I read the having small feet ans as having smelly feet ><

Hey!!! Hahaha I dont have smelly feet! (At least that's what I think.. T-T)

Yes doing my r3visi0n right now I'm such a hardworking student, you should be proud of me t3ach3r hehe

HAHAHA!! Okay laaa since you're so hardworking I don't gib y0u homework for one week okayz!!! XD
Liked by: Pamela


Language: English