
NUS Bizad Club

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Hi, BAC freshie here. I am just curious. May I ask how and when do we qualify for honours program? Any specific modules that a BAC student should take in order to take up honours program?

Please refer to the most recent answer below asked by a BBA student; the same idea applies!

Heya. Need some help on the module mapping for specialisation. Currently I am planning to take an honours in Finance and a major in Management. As I can clear 24MCs under my UE to have a major in Management, does that mean that I have 8MCs to take whichever modules I want? Thanks!

Yup! The 8 MCs can be used however you like :)

is it ok that ES 1103 is under module type NUS Points Account: General Module Code: ES1103 Module Type: ELECTIVES OUTSIDE STUDENT'S FACULTY?

Yes, it is :)

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If I have back-to-back lectures/sectional groups (ie. 1300-1400 @ LT7 & 1400-1700 @ Biz1), will I be able to make it on time?

Please refer below.

Hi, may i know where we can get info of the internal shuttle buses? Like the routes and stops for each of them? Thank you so much! This askfm is very useful :D

You may download the app NUS NextBus, or simply google the NUS shuttle bus routes! :) No problem!

Hi, I am a BBA Year 1 freshman. Is it encouraged to take all 5 core mods in sem 1? If I do, the fifth core mod for example MKT1003X is only available to bid instead of MKT1003. Are BBA students allowed to take MKT1003X in place of MKT1003? Thanks!

Please note that core modules with the suffix X (e.g. MKT1003X, ACC1002X) are NOT for business school students, but for non-business students as UEs. You are not allowed to take -X modules. It is also not recommended to take 5 core module as you have to clear your GEMs by Year 2. Bid for a GEM instead!

Hello! If I am allocated MNO2007, DSC2008 and ACC2002, is it advisable to bid for BSP2001?

It depends on whether you think you can handle the workload! Most people in biz are allocated 4 core modules, so if you take BSP2001 you will be experiencing the same workload as most of your peers :)

adding on to what i've asked earlier on, there is only 1 lecture for the gem that i want, and there is a tutorial session directly after that though lecture is at utown, and tutorial at as5. does that mean that travelling time is already taken into consideration and i will be able to make it in time

Travelling time is taken into consideration for all tutorials, sectionals and lectures. You are allowed to leave early should you have lessons back-to-back as well!

For any makeup lectures, The lecturers will contact us via outlook email or ivle? :)

Makeup lectures will most likely be webcasted through IVLE. Your lecturers will advise accordingly.

What are the classcodes for?

They are to differentiate between different timings of the same tutorial/sectional!

Hello! What must i do after contacting the person whom I want to swop sectionals with? Do i have to go down to the office/submit any form or something?

You have to email biz_cors@nus.edu.sg, cc your partner and request for a mutual swop. Please indicate your matric number, name, module code and sectional code as well.

When you did, do you bid for more than one GEM? Like in case you dont get what you want for 1st choice?

No, you should only bid for 1 GEM at a time. The results of each bidding round will be released 2-3 hours once it closes, so if you do not get your module, simply continue bidding for another or the same module in the next available round.

Hi, I am rather perplexed with regards to the Honours dissertation, could you please advise on how it works? Many thanks!

To complete a dissertation you have to maintain a CAP of at least 4.0 every semester or 4.0 since joining the Hons program. Please refer to the following website for more information:

Hello! I am in Year 2 and I haven't been allocated the BFS module.. May I know who can I email to get the mod? Thank you!!

Vacancies for BFS2001 this semester has run out, so you will only be allocated it next sem!

hello! I had previously taken a GES mod and would like to take another one this sem (in place of the "asking questions" pillar) and CORS is not allowing me to do so saying that I do not satisfy the pre-requisites. Do I need to appeal in this case?

Hello! You have to clear all 4 pillars of GEMs before you can take another module under the same GEM pillar. Hence, you should bid for a pillar that you have not yet taken :)

do we have to bid for gems for y1s1 or do we bid in s2?

If you already have GER1000 for this sem then you don't have to; if you are not allocated GER1000 this sem then you should bid for another GEM :)

Hello! If I placed a bid earlier in cors and it is now below the 'next min. bid', does that mean I've alr lost the module and need to bid more? How many bid points do freshies usually use in s1? Is 100+ from General acc too much or the norm?

Yes, it means you will need to adjust your bid to be at least the next minimum bid to qualify for the module. Freshmen are advised against using too many points for your GEMs in Y1, as you will still have to bid for others in the coming semesters. There isn't a particular norm, but we advise you against placing most or all of your G points just for a GEM in Sem 1, especially since you are still new to bidding.
Hence, if the GEM you want to take is very popular and you find yourself unable to compete with the rest of the bidders, we suggest that you take a less popular module!

Hi, I have emailed and requested to join for flag day tomorrow, however I have not received any information about it! Just wondering if its sent out?

Hi, the ask.fm is independent of flag, so we cannot help you there! Apologies!

Hi! I read that ES1103 will have 4 MCs, so will it be counted towards UE requirement? If not, how the MCs will be used then?

The BBA Office and Registrar's Office is still unclear on this aspect, but according to CELC (the department offering ES1103), it should be counted towards your UEs. We will check again in due time with the BBA Office!
Liked by: Jamie

Hi,for AY2016/2017,when are the likely dates for Acc1002 and bsp2001 midterms?thanks.

Hi, you will be advised accordingly by your tutors when school starts!

Am i able to bid for ES1103 in round 2A? I called up BBA office last week and was told it will be available in round 2A, but in cors bidding management, they say that it is not available in current round and will be an advance bid. i cant see HLBP etc.. so how can i bid now?

Hi, it is likely that the dates got mixed up, and ES1103 will only be offered in Round 3A and 3B. Please do call the BBA Office again to highlight your issue! Hopefully they will be able to advise you better :)

Hello, may I know what are the academic talks on Monday about? Modules descriptions?

Hi, the talks were an introduction to using NUS websites, administrative information for students and also a live bidding session :)

Hi! May I know when will round 2A of bidding end? I wanted to bid for GEM but cors shows that there are no modules available for bidding in the current round? Thanks!

2A ends at 1700 on Wednesday. You should remember to clear the Declaration part of CORS (just indicate none) and then proceed to Module Management. The modules should appear there!


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