
Maya Guz

Ask @omgitsmaya1d

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Can I just be you? You're so perfect its not even funny.

awee thank youu but you have no idea! I bet you're beautiful x

What is something you have lost, that you wish you could get back?

how to be happy for no real reason

Do you enjoy school????

i enjoy being with my friends for like 8 hours a day.. learning? eh haha

Do you think you're brave?

well idk if I'm dauntless brave but I think I can be... if I want to be

How often do you smile?

a lot. smiling is my favorite :D (even when i'm sad i've gotten good at it)

How do you cheer up a friend when they're feeling down?

try to make them laugh, give them a hug, anything to make them smile :P

How to know if you are a good person?

can you smile at someone passing no matter the mood you're in? can you ask 'how are you' with sincerity even with tears streaming down your face? can you pray for your enemies? idk just a few ideas..

You use your brains so much they make you have bad grammar.

you only have one brain but there was an s at the end. therefore i answered the same way as the question was asked... lol

Hugs or Kisses?

why not both?
i love hugs cos you feel special and you can just hug everyone. but kisses are special cos you just have that one person..


Language: English