

Ask @omgpoptarts

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Amy T¥L€R
describe away! ;D
well do you text orrrr.... is it just a hi, bye friend?
me and lover boy? (furnace)
nothing. havent seen him since last last sunday lol. i was in florida all last week and he wasnt there sunday and wednesday we had this huge storm so no one really came. and ill be in south carolina on sunday. but i'll be back by wednesday i think

haha it wasn't me who asked the first time. But still, it's just a week. you'll get through it (i think lol)

Varsha20’s Profile Photovarsha
oh i know. lol.
i'm not even really stressing or crying over the fact that it'll be a week.
i'm crying over the fact i have to drive to south carolina saturday. and i don't like it down there (the part we're going to)

does furnace like you back?

i know for a fact that he did in december, january, february, and march because it was pretty obvious. but then he disappeared for two months and i didn't seen him since. then he popped back up earlier this month.
so irdk. . . .
Liked by: elisa Jessay

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i head you are traveling around omg lucky

please, come and take my spot. my mom is trying to make me drive to those places -_-
to south carolina and everything.
like, no. :(
Liked by: Farah

Furnace sounds cute omfg. I'm just imagining the 2 of you together rn and I don't even know how he looks.

Varsha20’s Profile Photovarsha
umm... you can (again) as dav dav or kate if he's cute.
they said yes but we all know friends have to agree. lol.
it's okay. but i only have pictures to look at for like another week

Nope. It was more like we both had coffee spilled over both of us and you know my cursing disabilities. Yeah.

Amy T¥L€R
who's fault was it?
does he still talk to you?
i need details.

omg you are traveling a lot! first to florida, now to south carolina lol

i don't wanna go to south carolina.
and i think we're also going to maryland, illinois, and ohio later too >:(
Liked by: Alyssa

how does furnace look?

ummm.. brown shaggy hair...
he wears a beanie sometimes.
built. (freakin' built. just ask dav dav or kate)
maybe....5-6 inches taller than me?
im 5'3 1/2"
i think its a light brown eye color.
and his jaw line is really really defined.

What have you done so far over the summer?

Snapchat, eat, sleep, go to Disney world, get free Disney tickets, pass out, develop weird bruises, chip my teeth, get my chipped teeth fixed, develop a crush, go to a pool party, go to another pool party, go to a graduation party, plan
Basically nothing.
Liked by: aziza!!!

What book are you currently reading?

None but I recently finished Busgirl Blues and I was shipping Luke and her so hard.
Liked by: no

How's furnace OMG I'm so late in all of this ask news

Actually there's literally nothing to tell. Haven't seen him and I'm going to South Carolina Saturday so I won't see him Sunday but ill be back by Wednesday so maybe then ;D
Liked by: s Alyssa

Do you believe in horoscopes?

So can we dedicate this moment to a poem I wrote freshman year for our assignment about a Greek mythological god or creature? It's so embarrassing.
Oh Goddess of wisdom,
Make this story wise
As I tell the tale of a man with one eye!
An eye so huge, it makes mountains tremble,
Oh goddess of wisdom help me assemble
Fe fi fo fum!
I'm the Cyclops and I wil eat you, yum!
With one eye, I can see a mile!
But waking up I have the strength of a child,
And I flock my sheep in a single file.
Like a lion's roar 10 times maxed,
I release my anger, for you are my snack.
Puny human, you can't defeat me!
I'm the Cyclops,
I should make you flee!
In my cave, I eat and sleep,
For you to creep and feast upon my sheep?
Nobody, I'll spare our soul!
For you have me wine and made me whole.
Ouch! My eye!
I feel as if I'll die!
Nobody! You've betrayed me!
I shall get my father!
God of the sea!
^if you read that, I'm sorry. It is so bad an embarrassing and I completely ignored this question oops.

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Liked by: no Kareema elisa

as soon as i stop freaking him out i believe (the chances of that happening is equal to that of pigs flying)

But if you attach bacon to a helium filled balloon, isn't that a pig flying?
Does he like you? :)
I you need more typing room, www.livetyping.com <go there and send me the link :)

Well it's not much of a story. My friend and I were out at the skate park and were expressing our hatred of people who think skateparks cannot be used as social places when the most random skater decides to skate past us, frightening me. ...... You know the rest. (Yes that random skater was him)

So when do you start dating?

Tabitha her response to our conversation on her profile omfg

Dude you know she might come here and completely retaliate on us lol.
But yes I saw. And I laughed. And then I looked for a bat.
It's under my bed.


Language: English