

Ask @omgpoptarts

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Which name do you like the best? Jane, Maggie, Ashley, or Elena

I like Elena and then Jane but it all depends on the characters personality :)
Liked by: nikita

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Because it's florida! haha could be worse though..(Vi)

Yeah I know what you mean. We're stopping to get gas now though we're almost tere

That must be tiring, where to? -vi

To Florida.
With the palm trees and Mickey Mouse.
But I just got out of the car here and oh my gosh whys it 400 degrees out here?

Hi, Tabitha! I dunno, it just is! so what's up?

Lol that's okay
Nothing really. I've been in this car for like 9 hours.

Nope you don't! You can call me Vi! and any question i send after this will be signed vi okay? haha this is exciting. and i sound like a 5 year old girl

Lol how's it exciting?
And hi, vi! :)
Liked by: Alyssa

See you're so awesome! :D Yep you were to say thanks and you're welcome!

Do I know you though? :O
But awe thanks :') you're awesome too ;D

Can't say who I am. Your secret admirer? :) except i am a girl and now this sounds creepy and no i just admire you and it's not a secret anymore so yes i am not you secret admirer. just admirer yep :)

I don't even think I read this right, but are you basically telling me you are a fan of me?
If I read this wrong, oops lol.
But if I'm supposed to say thanks, then thanks! :)

AWWWWW AKJSDAHKJSDHAKJDHAJKDAHDAJKDHAKSD; so when are you guys gonna date? wait -- furnace and tabitha -- furtha

oh thats what furtha is.
in practicality it could be cabitha. lol.
or cabtha. whichever. but idk if we even will. hes so nice though lolol.
normally, i have to start conversations but he'll find me and just start talking.

awww cuties. i mean, what did he do that made you like him? fineeeee

uhh. hes jsut really /really/ nice. like i'm being serious, no one is nice to me like he is. he asks me questions to get to know my personality and hes always checking up on me. he wants to know my favorite candy, favorite color, what i do for fun, if im going out to eat with the group and stuff. idek.
its a curse
Liked by: yas


1. church. the first formal time i remember meeting him we ended up getting into a 30 minute conversation on relationships. lol
2. DUDE IDEK!!! hes been gone for two months at church and showed back up 3 sundays ago and thats when it started but became official today i guess :(
3. what do you mean? lol
4. ....alen, stahp.

taaabiiithhaaaa where'd you go did you abandon me [it's okay if you did i mean you have stuff]

oh i'm leaving for florida in a few hours and my jeans were drying so i had to go grab them and pack them and then i did the dishes. whoops. but i'm back! lol

my mom's making me get up at eight /grumbles

well at least you're not gonna be traveling on the road for 10+ hours soo...
and i need someone to stay up with me! ugh!

i should really be following alen but i'm not | you're still more lucky than me

FOLLOW HER NOW. SHE'S LIKE A LOVE STORY OR SOMETHING. they're so cute together. And she's SUPPOSED to tell more stories today :D imma explode.
Well idk. I'm pretty sure live got some good luck ;D BUT UGH I DON'T HAVE HIS NUMBER OR TALK TO HIM ON FB CHAT AND UGH HE NEEDS TODO IT

omg you have more interaction with your crush than me tabitha i'm jealous

The one to be jealous of is Alen.
Alen is practically already in the relationship, oh my gosh.
And this is a new crush. I'm over donkey. At least I think... Idk it happens every summer.
Ugh feelings

crush update??

Well not gonna see him til Sunday.
But he was there today. He came in late. And then we awkwardly avoided each others gaze.
Then after service he called me over because I was holding kit kats and he was all "those are my favorite candy" or whatever then asked what my favorite was so I told him Reese's and asked him if he wanted a kit kat.
He denied of course but we all know he wanted it. So I ate two and while he was away, I put the rest in his seat for him to have and walked away. Then like ten minutes later I was grabbing my stuff from a chair and when I turned around, he was there and was like "give me a hug" and thanked me for the candy. .. Yeah.
Then I told him I'm leaving for Florida tonight and I gave him a hug goodbye. So yeah. There.
Feelings stink.


Language: English