

Ask @omgpoptarts

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No I mean just ask everyone anonymous questions that have to do with wattpad until they get back.

Yeah I know what you meant.
But I have this sharing problem and idk. Maybe they do too. Lol.
You can do whatever you want to but yknow. Js.
How's life? :)


Not really. Lol.
I mean, hey may get offended because you took their idea so you can just to make sure.
You know, so they don't butcher your hand off when thy find out.

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I like cheese...it's my favorite type lol

Exactly. And no matter how many people "hate" it, it's always gone first -_-

Hello. I have finals so I won't be on until Thursday. Next WPQ will be on Friday. See you later and have fun with Ask.

Have fun !
Wait, it's finals. . .
Try to pass !

nice! what type of pizza? I'm just sitting in bed doing nothing :)

It was cheese :) and of course everyone got stingy so I only had two slices.
Liked by: Elise

Q of the Day: Using your writing skills, in a few paragraphs, tell a short short story to answer this question (feel free to fantasize or use any genre): What would you do if your book was stolen and got published with ultimate success under the plagiarizer's name?

The day was bright and the temperature was cool. Tabitha sat at her computer, creating deep fantasies at what life would be like if food was unlimited. Randomly, she opens up Barnes & Noble in her web browser and there it is--front page. "New release! Thalia by Imma Sthuped!" She's ready to flip craploads. Is this her story? Is she overreacting? Maybe it's just a coincidence.
After an hour of heavy researching and Little Debbie Snack conferencing, it stand true; her story was stolen. Without hesitation, she grabs her handy bat next to her, gets in a car she barely knows how to drive, and is on her way to California to cut some people. The "author", the publisher, the company, a dog, that annoying lady directing traffic--whatever gets in her way. There's no mercy shown. After days of travel, she reaches her destination and starts getting swingy. It just so happens, they're all conferencing in room 32-A of The Publishers clearing house.
Long story short: she's captive in juvie for battery.

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Liked by: elisa Elise yas Shany

Name the most ridiculous haters and what they did. This'll be interesting. Or not.

Probably these two freaks who attacked my story when it was popular (as in #1 in adventure and #19 in teen fic) and if you wanna know who, just ask.
It was maybe a week after I joined Wattpad and posted Thalia?
It was originally a "ill double the comments you leave me!" thing and they wanted to be greedy and go through eight chapters of my story and comment everything they hated about it in at least 1 thousand characters each comment. They knew each other. And I almost quit Wattpad, writing (again), and deleted the story. So finally all my fans ganged up on them and thy would find me and my posts in the forums for a comment for comment and tell people how much they'd regret doing it and how I never hold my half of the deal (when I did) and crap.
Basically they were jealous because we were all in the adventure category. But they were writing historical fiction and ugh. I still don't like them.

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Liked by: elisa Elise Shany


Idk but I just re stalked his fb and he has like four shirtless pictures.
I should see him him Sunday BUT
1. I go to Florida Monday morning and church is at night so idk if ill be there
2. If I am there, there's no guarantee he will be off work
So yeah.


no he wasn't there. Today isn't a mandatory thing but he hashdhncrgbnk
No I didn't see him lol

Omg! Your violin is pink! It's the cutest thing ever asdfghjkl Where'd you get it from?! And you're so gorgeous! I love your hair it looks really long and healthy :)

Hi! :)
Thanks! I got it from eBay lol
Awe. Thank you. It's no where near long though :( it's just past my shoulders when it's down

What account on ask.fm is your fav? :)

The reasoning behind my abortive comes out awkward so ill just not say it. Lol

What is a poptart? Oh god i must sound so fucking stupid :L

Just think of a gatsby party inside of your mouth.
But really it's a jelly filled (well not really jelly) breakfast pastry :)

yup <3...I'm gonna check out your book when I get the chance...which one do you suggest I read first?

well youre in trouble either way...
the newer book should be good but it wont get a second chapter until i finish the book im on.
and thalia is okay but it needs some SERIOUS editing from chapters 2-14... sooo...
idek. lol. do what you please.
but omg hes like 30 and played a teenager I THOUGHT HE WAS MY AGE AND ALMOST CRIED WHEN I FOUND OUT HE WASNT
Liked by: Elise

I'm the same way...it literally sits on wattpad for like three days before I work up the guts to post it. I'm lying in bed stalking andrew garfield <3

isnt he the one who played in the amazing spiderman or am i going crazy?
Liked by: Elise


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