

Ask @omgpoptarts

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No Tabitha we should talk about him (the church kid) bc ur gonna be together forevaaaa

What am I supposed to say? Lol
Liked by: Alyssa

Has it stopped raining in Kentucky? :) Hope your feelings are better, lol

Yeah it stopped. It's just perfect weather for me to continue to stay inside.
And no, they aren't. I'm restalking him
Liked by: Elise

Question of the day: Most ridiculous book you've ever seen on Wattpad. Answer depending on your personal meaning of ridiculous.

LaQuisha's Ugly Weave
It was so badly written and pointless, it's hilarious.
Liked by: WPQ saph

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because i collect useless knowledge like it's gold that's how. i'm being completely honest. we make the most cheese. 'murican pride woO.

i wonder who the second fattest country is...
Liked by: Alyssa

because americans are weird? did you know america is the largest manufacturer of cheese in the world?

we are?
wait, how do you know this? lol.
but that'll explain why there's no "Made in China" cheese.
Liked by: varsha Alyssa

Alyssa and jagriti are getting married. If you and alyssa share a time zone then 9 PM for you. There will a lot of food. Quality food. Indian food. And bring chocolate. alyssa likes chocolates.

if i bring chocolate, it'll be for me.
alyssa's getting married, she can afford her own chocolate. i'm on a limited birthday money budget.
but i really want chocolate now...
Liked by: Kareema

okay so i don't know if you guys like goat cheese. . . ? but it's good okay just give it a chance

i only eat american cheese and swiss cheese.
wait, is there british cheese?
because there's american cheese.
so why not chinese cheese or ukranian cheese?
why only american?
Liked by: Alyssa

Okay, lol. Are you coming to the wedding tomorrow?

sure. i'll go to the wedding i didn't even know about tomorrow.
but i need some information.
like who's getting married, where are they getting married, why are they getting married, what kind of food will be there, are you sure i'll like the food, is the food going to be hot, will there be enough food, and how many to-go boxes can i take home.
Liked by: Kareema

Cali is being really moody...the sky is depressingly grey, and it's sorta chilly :/

this is it, guys.
the weather is on drugs.
Liked by: Elise

omg do you have a new crush aw. :)

irdk. i don't think it's right just to move crushes.. :(
and its a fact (from google) that the more you talk about someone of the opposite gender, the more likely you are to develop a crush on them.
and you guys are making me talk about him.
and idk why.. D:
Liked by: saph Elise Kareema

He's sounds so nice go talk to him and see if you like him better than donkey. apparently, donkey's sending you mixed signals so talk to this other guy!

donkey has always been sending mixed signals.
i told you guys this in my little stories but you were all like "NO HE LIKES YOU!"
i have talked to him before. our first conversation was how girls and guys think. like back in december at a christmas party. he was all "i always want to know how a girl thinks and why the things you do make sense to you when they really don't at all." lol
Liked by: saph Elise Kareema Alyssa

Hey tabitha! I am that random anon who once had a conversation with you about how annoying guys can get when they flat out reject you...? I don't think you remember but I finally made an account and omfg I saw the latest ans and just awwwww do you like him?

was it today we had that conversation? or a while ago?
because i remember both :P
not you too. oh my gosh. idk.
Liked by: saph Elise Alyssa

I A M G O O D , H O W A R E Y O U. T A B I T H A ? ?

i'm fine i guess. girly feel problems lol.
and im trying to write and its coming out pretty horrible.
you? :)

haha yeah she is..and he gets pissed when she flirts. and lol you don't sound mean, you're making me feel somewhat better..but i think i'm getting over it so yay ;)

good. get over it and strut it.
that's my plan at least.
i mean, it worked...

well at the moment it's the honeymoon phase and they're always holding hands and stuff..but tbh..she's not the type of girl who stays in a relationship for a long time..she's very indecisive. but i know that he really likes her so i don't know..life can suck at times

i can tell you now that a combination of that has a limited time.
they're not gonna last. i sound so mean but i'm telling you the truth.
same with me. i knew he and my friend wouldn't last because she's a huge flirt and still likes her ex...

what sucks is that he's always asking me for relationship advice..and i'm just like Please Go away

do you think they'll last though? honestly?


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