

Ask @omgpoptarts

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haha i feel ya..well except my crush is dating my friend which sucks..but i hope it goes away soon

thats what happened to me and he ended it with her because
1. he said "he wasn't ready" for a relationship.
2. she was basically cheating on him with 4 guys.
3. she won't be at our school next year.
4. she trash talked him when they weren't together.
and everyone says me and her look a like and they constantly got me confused with her and were like "where are you and donkey hanging out tonight>" and i'd have to break the news to them that i am not the same chick...
but really, the longer you don't see them, the easier.
Liked by: Elise

crush update?

well it's summer.
so i haven't seen donkey since last wednesday.
but he made me apply for his job.
and i did.
plus my crush on him goes away in the summer so it's almost gone :)
and i might like someone :(((

Do you like Sarah Dessen by any chance?

i just have her whole book collection as my background because i like the colors.
no biggie. :)
(if i were to actually answer this question, you'd get a book's worth of an answer, so i'm saving you.)
Liked by: Alyssa

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Feelings suck. Like I have to deal with a crush on a guy from school, and my numerous celebrity crushes,as well as my infinite fictional crushes. God help me, I'm such a slut.

Ill ask you to elaborate.
Liked by: Elise

hi, lovelies. haven't been on in aages. i miss you all. i hope you've been having a great past few weeks. i love you all, just remember that. oh, and you're all pretty damn talented okay. x

You too! :D
Liked by: three

I will, I promise :) how are you?

I'm okay. Dealing with feelings again.
Because donkey crush disappears in the summer.
So now there's this dude idek if I like.
Why do feelings even exist?
Liked by: Elise

Describe how you thought of your idea for your first Wattpad book.

I was being fat and lazy reading a Wattpad book on my other account and some food was on the desk just out of my reach and I was like "if only I had telekinesis, I could grab the bag and eat my McDonald's."
So I wrote a book about a girl with telekinesis.

Hi. Since Ask.fm asks bad questions, I'm here to replace that and ask daily questions about Wattpad or anything interesting (sometimes even once a day) and post the most interesting answers for you to check out here on my page.

Good idea.
Because we all know Ask.fm is on crack with these questions.

lol...I'm guessing your like a huge fan of her stuff. I've only read like 3-4 books by her :/ But I have the rest on my kindle, so I'll get to it soon.

If you need her work, look at my background here.
I'm a small fan. Ya know.

Can u ask me a question just so that I can send the pic of my dress I got it yesterday sorry


how do you personally pronounce the word "iron?"

awkward cuz i just typed that word for thalia lol.
don't tease my country-ness

I want rights for only calling you PT. #overlyattachedfriend

Well idk how o soo you there so good luck trying to fight people online lol


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