

Ask @omgpoptarts

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Hahaha, that's fine, don't tell me...my dad got a lexus es :) We literally spent like four hours at the car dealership, because my mom wanted to keep bargaining

Ill look it up. What color is it

ooh what addiction does donkey have? I had dinner really late...we went to pizza my heart (idk if you have this is kentucky) at like 9ish...so yeahhh I ate like three slices of pizza, haha And my dad bought a new car, so that was exciting :)

It's not really an addiction. I don't want you all judging him or whatever. I mean. It's not that bad but if I say it y'all might have the same reaction Avriale had which turned into a thirty minute one sidds conversation of how my life is a book...
Yeah. Kentucky just has KFC McDonald's and any other fast food place that serve heart attacks on a plate.
What kind of car?!

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Hello :) hahaha sorry this is late...was out with my family :) How's life?

No it's okay ;)
It's pretty good. I'm helping donkey through his addiction (lol)
And I ate a feast worth today. You?

- back and a few boys carried me around on their backs and bridle style hahaha I weigh nothing xD if my dad would've seen me, he wouldve done something drastic, no exaggeration.

wait is this the dream or real life? lol
but awe :) that sounds fun!
too bad crap lke that never happens to me. ya know...
life of a tabitha.

amazing dream okay its cool cool cool. I wanna read your book but i dont get time DD: I saw my crush, after playing football (he's the goalie) and i hung out with the guys and stuff, we all joined arms and walked along without breaking xD a tall tall tall guy picked me & another guy up in a piggie -

okay im prepared for dis dream, girl.
but no, thalia needs some serious editing. only the last few chapters are written okay-ish. lol

LOL :D :D :D :D :D :D Okay :* You just chill now, I put Hasan because two people use this, and you use American English, not Original, or British, that's why you might not understand, or you're just thick.

Hasan Zahid
"and on't go to moms if you have nothing else to say"
Pretty sure that makes sense to no one....
Liked by: Amber Elise

https://www.facebook.com/killerhsm That's my fb if you think I am anon, and on't go to moms if you have nothing else to say, I just logged out of 'ask.fm' so no I am not anon. Check my fb, see what you want, like I give a fuck.

I could not produce one coherent sentence from anything you just typed.
Liked by: Amber Elise


Not you lol
I just used to talk to about thirty people here and now it's only like five and idk if I did something or if we just stopped talking...
Liked by: Sallie

well, who don't really hang out with the girl who i'm staying with, with my brother and it was so much fun. okay i'll stop, you're probably like, wtf amber i don't wanna know your life but yeah. and tonight we're going to the cinema bc it's my other friend's birthday whoo!

No. You're not annoying me! Like really lol.
It sounds hehahaksb ugh.
Did anything happen?
Anything exciting?
In my dream exciting stuff happened. I won the hunger games and I was Thalia (my awkward book character) and I was hit on by my crush.
Much better dream than my life.

i'm at my friends house, who's i'm staying at all weekend. and like, i'm having fun finally bc at my home i don't really and i can barely go out bc my parents would have to take me and our car doesn't work well enough. i went out last night with fifteen guys and my five girl friends, who don't know-

My mom doesn't let me go anywhere either. Only people can come over and it's just like jacarandas ugh. I hope you have fun! It sounds like a lot of fun.
More fun than my no-plans-at-all-day I'm having right now.

What gave you the idea for your story??

i hate how i'm JUST NOW getting this question in my inbox.. ?
anyways, i was being fat and lazy at home reading a watty book on my other account and i wanted some food that was just out of my reach. so i got mad and wished i had telekinesis so i wouldn't have to get up.
then i over-thought and came up with the book.


Language: English