

Ask @omgpoptarts

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oooh yrs, food now that's a subject. cheeseburgers r life but i think im constipated lol 2 much

No I used to have a problem with that when I was seven and had to get shots in my butt.
It hurt. Lolol.
But omg I just had fried rice and it was heaven.

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Do you need/want to vent?

Not really but imma do it anyways because it might help.
I was fine. My first period is art with this really weird and cooky teacher and the class is ghetto so I never talk in there. They think I'm the silent "black" girl.
Second period I had a sub in math which made me mad because I have to retake this standard I really need to make up and there's not six days of school left and he is a perv and smokes weed sometimes (the sub) so I was quiet that period because there was absolutely no work at all.
Third period is what set me off because I was simply working quietly and my friend was like "what's wrong tabby?" Well nothing was wrong with me honestly so I told her that and for ten minutes she was like "why're you mad? I know you're mad. Tell me why you're upset." And she kept annoying me so I ended up getting mad. So I started ignoring her and we played this review science game and I told her the answer to hold up for or team and I accidentally said the wrong answer and she was calling me dumb and crap which is one if the biggest pet peeves of mine. So I went off on her and told her to shut up.
Then in fifth period I went to orchestra instead of English because they were throwing a party and when I walked in and sat down still mad, donkey sat behind me and started pulling my hair, nudging me with his foot, and tugging on my jacket and ended up having this tickle feat with me once he found out I'm ticklish and (obviously I laughed its hard not to when you're being tickled) but once he briefly let go I walked away and moved seats. Then later he was asking for a brownie and I ignored him. Then he started talking about how I'm queen and I walked away then I went into this back room by myself with the lights off and when he came to the door, I just walked out.
So yeah. I was pretty mad. And there's more to it but I don't feel like saying it.
Just ugh.

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Liked by: letters Farah Sallie

What's your opinion on One Direction?

Tbh if my life depended on it, I couldn't tell you their names.

You're smart :) My friend took AP Calc as a sophomore...she makes me feel stupid. I took precalc.

Awe thanks :)
Ap Cali in sophomore year? Oh that's like senior level math lolol.
I take pre cal or cal next year :)

same, partially because i dunno what you like. Bradley cooper, ryan reynolds etccc

OOOHHH. Idk any of them lol. Don't kill me
How about food. That's a nice subject.

oh and the worker ants would feed you honeydew which is a liquid substance that comes out of an aphid's abdomen when the ants stroke them.

I'd rather them not unless they wanna be killed.

i can picture u as a professional ant killer

Because I am.
But omg I didn't realize this until now, but the first part of the new chapter in Thalia that i wrote weeks ago talks about her ant killing rampage...
It's in my blood.

What are AP classes? Sorry to bother you.

You aren't bothering me :)
AP- Advanced Placement.
It's just for the kids who are smarter than the average student in their grade.
Like normal sophomores take geometry this year but I take algebra 2 along with some other students :)

that was me earlier lol, just chilling and socializing

Tara you know I can't respond to this

yup it's me, what's up

nothing much. im writing for once. lol.
and im probably gonna stop in a few seconds :T

No. It's a sign that your ancestors were ant royalty and they want you back to claim your right to the throne and act like a queen ant meaning you lazily sit on your butt all day and make babies.

the last parts disturbing but i am a queen ;P lol

... spill, girl, spill.

its really nothing.
i went to the bus stop one morning and i was standing in a pile of ants and they crawled up to my knee. i was covered.
same thing happened at the park.


Language: English