

Ask @omgpoptarts

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Egging him? Sorry I don't know what it means lol. But I'll put make-up and all that jazz I promise :). Since theirs no uniform tmrw I get casual civies let's see what happens

Do the cutest top with dark skinnies and flats or sandals and do your hair and ugh. Take pics.
Egging him means to throw eggs. Lol

I def will tmrw though cause imma sleep now. I attempted my hair but considering it needs a wash it was kinda hard. Oh well can't wait for tmrw I wanna see if I can pull this off :p

Do ittttt!!
I'm egging you on.
And if it doesn't work, I'm egging him.

Aww thank u. Ur so sweet better than my friends back here lol. They're ok but I didn't tell them abut it it's between u me and ur stalkers on ask.fm lol. So I talked to my friend I'm gonna bring some make-up to school tmrw and I'll attempt my hair today. But my straighteners like dead so...

I'm pretty sarcastic. But I'll accept sweet lol.
You got time. You got time. Perfect that make up, girl

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Spanish sucks so much. we have to take two years of it before 12th grade, so i'm taking it now and 9th grade. then I will be free of it.

and my freakin stupid school didn't freakin schedule it 'til freakin next year which is my freakin junior year and i can't freakin take orchestra like i freakin want to because of the freakin 2 freakin years of freakin spanish rule and
freakin ugh.

I wish u culd too. We're going on a trip tmrw he'll be there it's to Downtown we're watching a baseball game with the school. So no school yay u give me advice and I'll use it then snap chat how I look :) Dammit I don't own a curler but I will trip that boy so hard he won't remember where he fell

wait, whens the semi again?

I didn't do my Spanish essay, ooops. I would love to help, but i'd utterly hopeless at making cover.

its okay. ill try to make my own :(
spanish? omg no. i have to take that next year and just shoot me now.

I forgot that it's Monday, shoot.

omg i need someone to make me a cover but i hate the people that have all of those stupid rules in the forums and none of my friends who make them are online and UGH!
im hopeless.

locker in the hallway I'll stick my foot out on purpose and if the stars are positioned right that day he'll trip lol


I love u tabs. Omigod ur message. I love it. And I def will go now considering I have to pull my friends there ugh. And then I'll like dress up intense bahaha watch me be unrecognizable going from a hot mess to hawt. I wish I culd slap him but I don't have the guts. Tell u what when he passes my

curl your hair and wear some cute makeup. omg. i wish i could help you. :(
do it. trip the life out of him.

Bahaha man period. Tabitha u make me laugh ;) Lol I tell u what if anything happens tmrw. Ugh I'll still probs go to semi though

you should go. and show him what he cant have.
it's life.
and btw when you see him, slap him. just cuz.

I'm glad it wasnt me hahaha you know now xD ooh California! awesome!

-to your message- oh I have a friend there! She was an exchange student last year at my school and then she moved back :)
But it's really pretty there I heard :P
I just want somewhere warm, you know? And I have some family there so I'm okay lol

I talked to my friend abut it after. I quote "He does it everyone. Like I glare at ppl when I'm bored." Me: -_- Yeah I am not confronting him ppl r gonna laugh. And he's gonna be like wtf since, I never really talk to him. And then he'll be like she likes me. When I don't like sick guys with crappy

If he has no valid reason to hate you, let him be lol.
Don't even stress about it. He's probably on his man period anyways.

and therefore wants to avoid u." So really. I'm in a catastrophe lol not that bad exams are a catastrophe.


Hell no. I was in class presenting an English assingment. And i looked up to make eye contact and he was glaring at me. It was so freaking scary I'm gonna get so low now bc I stopped looking up. I'm pree sure it's not a coincidence and he hates me. As well my friend was like "he thinks u like him

But you need to confront him to see whatever you did to make him mad. Like, he doesn't even have a reason to death stare at people.

I apologise if it was something i said haha. Um, idk. I dont think you'd know any bc I don't live in America. :b you?

no it wasn't you I just didn't feel like doing any of it anymore lolol
You don't? Oh my gosh, what country are you in?
And I wanna go somewhere in Southern California ;P

I know, I know but nothing else seems better so. I'm in a weird mood

I just lost all motivation to even draw or make my ring.
for no reason. How fun. -_-"
Where do you plan to go to college?

We don't have any ants nearby.

Where do you live, outer space?
Ants are the worlds biggest pest (to me)
I hate ants.
I wish I had the time to kill every last one because they've traumatized me more than once. >:(

Definitely. That sounds fun! I've got a headache so im just staring at the tv like meh

Well watching TV when you have a headache isn't the best idea lol.
You'll make it worse.
Go draw a pretty picture or kick a wall or bury the body or something.


Language: English