

Ask @omgpoptarts

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What classes are you going to take your junior year?

Ap Pre calculus
Ap us history
Ap biology
Ap English
Orchestra (for one trimester)
Spanish 1
MAYBE computer applications and that's it.
And maybe yearbook class.

You want your belly button pierced?? O.o ~ E.C.

It's this thing where you buy a real belly ring & can wear it without having a piercing imma do.

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Aw that's cute. Well u bettr have fun. Is donkey gonna b there?

I will :)
And no not unless I use him as my "plus one"
But he wouldn't know anyone.

How did you do on your AP exams last year? were they hard?

no,i failed.
i didn't even rank.. lolol

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Well an actress, artist (kinda), realtor, cake designer
Idk I have a bunch of back up jobs.
Liked by: Farah

Oooh tell me what u buy and have fun. I have exams ugh

I'm gonna buy a bikini or tankini.
I really want a bottom with a mini skirt thingy. I love those.
And I'm buying a belly ring. Just cuz

Lol me and two other friends. I don't our school sucks it was the only thing that kept me sane. Ugh it's so bad. Imma ask the school lol no I won't. But how's ur life?

My life is okay.
I'm going to a pool party on June first so I'm gonna have to go swim suit shopping soon :O

I don't even know. :'(

Well that's lame.
I'm pretty sure you're the only one who gets on it.
Like, why?

What are you wearing right now?

Blue skinnies
Black lace undershirt
B&w plaid half sleeve button up shirt
Black flats
Why're you so stalkerish, ask?
Liked by: rajatha

the original spider man was all wimpy and i never liked him. although i haven't seen the amazing spiderman, emma and andrew just seem to fit better.

OMG the kiss scene was perfect :')
Liked by: rajatha

what classes did you take in 9th grade?

ap english 1
ap integrated science
ap geometry
career exploration
AP human geography

what grade are you in?

or if you're already in summer, i'm going to be a junior next school year.

Hello,I saw the rude anon comment earlier and I just wanted to say that you shouldn't worry about people's irrelevant opinions .You know who you are and that's all that matters.You're beautiful,really smart and you have a really nice personality! Don't let jealous people try to pull you down :) x

Awe omg who are you?
My day is made. :')
But thanks! :) I won't let them get to me. I'm too strong for that crap.
Common sense just isn't so common anymore ;)

Idk what disgusts me more, though...the fact that she actually took time out of her life to write that, or the fact that she had the guts (even on the internet) to post that anonymously

I'm a professional stalker when I want to be. Seriously I could find her.
But Idc.
Stupid is what stupid does
Liked by: Elise

Tell that hater to take her head out of her ass, and get the hell off your ask fm and wattpad accounts.

Lol Ikr?
I mean, I'm not cocky, but I'm obviously not stupid.
So it's like someone walking up to you and saying your beard is ugly and graying when you're a girl and 16.
It makes no sense and makes them look like an idiot
Liked by: s Elise

Eh I have a 99 in every class. so yay. BUT OMG YOU'RE WORK FREE I HATE YOU

Well. I thought I was.
I forgot to do my packet in ap world history today sooo.
I'm out eating ice cream lol

God, how on earth are you smart? You have so many grammatical errors and you don't even know the basic stuff that involve so little logic. How bad is your school if you're among the best students there?

You hating?
Am I so stupid that I'm in the top 10% of American students? Am I so stupid that I'm in the top 10% of /that/ 10% ?
And yeah my book Thalia has TTOOONNNSSSS of errors in the first few chapters, but unlike most people, I actually try to improve.
See ya later, sucka.


Language: English