

Ask @omgpoptarts

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Face it, girl. You two are perfect for each other. And I'm sure he likes you.

how are you so sure?
you dont know what he did to me! lolol jk

nice, jumping time c;

youre by yourself.
i cant afford to get jumped
...not again. D:
(lol guys im kidding)

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Tabitha, I right outside of Nashville. Haven't we been through this?

oh yeah i went there...
that was so long ago..
time flies
but it needs to go faster before i jump it.
Liked by: Alyssa

well, to the degree of everyone around me sounding like you, then yeah. you're normal.

i meant my voice .. :(

Country is cool.

country is something nobody listens to.
and kentucky is just "the incest state"
theres not much cool about it

I bet he loves you. You two are perfect for each other. And besides, what's not to like about you?

well idk.
have you seen my face? its kinda average :T
and idk. ... i cant tell yall how we are or anything. like youd have to go to school with me and see us together to see how it wont really look like he likes me.. lol
Liked by: Alyssa

What do you like best about your hometown?

to answer this question properly, id have to actually /like/ where i live soo...


i literally just stalked your wattpad. so weird.
Liked by: vanessa

Pfft. More like you're going to be so popular since you're country. I love country people. And city people. I guess I just like people (but I actually don't like people). I prefer an empty room.

im not country.. its just my voice.
well .. not /really/ country
i have some country habits...

asdfghjkljihnvrgseyoiurgfrsihknusgvfiihlndsnilhuhiofsdfaedryuionawechnyukecetuyndiygnuewchinuswvyunirvfeibugoinwev just read the Donkey birthday present thing. Omg. That is just like so cute. I wish I had my own Donkey too. Uuhnecfakhuinfces you two are so adorable.

i have like a whole list of stories i posted here.
its so sad
because he probably doesnt like me. nhjeksbfghjkbghfj

Because you just are.

okay :(
lol. im moving to cali for college and omg
imma be attacked because im "country" D:

omfg (f stands for fluffing) you are too cute i just wanna take you home

you cant take me anywhere without you being charged for kidnapping.

Oh yes. I'm having fun. I'm having the time of my life. I'm knocking myself out. I'm having a dance party in the bathroom.

okay, you need to calm down.
i dont have time to be responsible for a hospital bill.


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