

Ask @omgpoptarts

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Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?

My friend storm on Wattpad lol
Or my friend (it's a season) at school
Liked by: s

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If you had to change your name, What would you change it to?

i actually like tabitha.
but id change it to esther or something like that lol
Liked by: s

NEVER??? You need to go down to the store, buy some and then enjoy heaven

....but i only see the flavored nutella! lol

hey wattpad friends. me again. please answer with either voice r/video/type: 1)What's the most fun thing about chatting with strangers on ask? 2)one word to describe Daven's hair 3)Who is your favorite band and celebrity and why? 4)have you lived in the same country since you were born? 5)yerall fab

ugh. i actually didnt even answer a question...lol.
not really at least....
i sound so dead...

Cupcakes or potatoes?

hmmm.... it depends...
what flavor cupcake, what brand and what icing
what kind of potat? just a plain one, fries, baked potatoes etc etc. lol
Liked by: Alyssa

Hey guys. Posted up things in advance. And you can answer the survey Qs: (http://ask.fm/WPGamemaker/answer/37440674687) here. Thanks.

1 - Do you think that Gamemaker is necessary? Why?
its not /necassary/ but it really does keep us all happy and entertained lolol :) i welcome you gamemaker! :)
2 - What was your favorite Gamemaker game so far? (WOWW, April Fools Prank Contest, THE MOST)
i liked the whole THE MOST thing :) that was pretty fun :)
3 - Ups and downs of the page/games?
ups-its fun. downs- i can never keep up because im always late on answering things lol
4 - On a scale of 1- 10 (1 being the lowest) how much do you think the games should be continued?
16486453684 ;D
5 - Any other thoughts about the page/Gamemaker/any thing else ? yesterday
not really :) hope i helped! haha

Guys, I'm actually not back. Mum has my ask.fm url so she'll know if I answered any qn. Keep asking qns though; I'll answer them in May/June. :) Or you can message me on wattpad, she doesn't have the url for that.

oh okay gotcha ;D but wont she see youre asking questions? :O

"A day without laughter is a day wasted." Be happy/ You deserve it. Words are not enough to describe such a beautiful person like yourself. Have an amazing day. :)

i went two days without laughing before.... :T

"One of the best feelings in the world is knowing that you are the reason for someone's smile." And maybe your smile is the reason for theirs, so keep it on, it looks wonderful on you. With love, anon.

youve seen me smile? :')
thank you though! :)

Y'all obviously know who I am, already, but I just wanted to send out a hai to all of you, and I hope y'all are doing well. You guys never fail to amuse me, and to make me smile. So thank you. <3

yeah gurl ;D i know who you iz >:) lol

do/have you read all of your ask friends' wattpad stories?

actually no. ive only read like.. 4 of one of their stories xD its kind of sad but ya know... oh well xD

How pretty do you think Jessie is? (I think she's beautiful)

yes. shes pretty lol


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