

Ask @omgpoptarts

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Can you put them on a reader device thingiemahjiggy or do you have to read them on a laptop? why cats periods omfg. I can imagine lol.

Actually yeah. If you open the link on your phone (assuming its an iPhone) and download the "iBook" app, the pdf will have an option that says "open in iBook" from safari and then you can read there

You always know what to say, PT. :') Check your PM soon. Just in case. I'll never leave you, lol.

Okay I'll check it ;D lol.
Make smart choices! Haha

True. Beware. - R. P.S.: I seriously feel like deleting my WP account as well, but then I keep on thinking of mah fwends (like I have any. >.>) Ugh.

Please you have friends!
But I'm not gonna be like everyone else with my answer.
If the reason you're leaving for is serious and you think it's best to delete your account, go ahead (you just better stay in touch)
Like sometimes people are bullied (like you saw on here) and people beg them to stay. But if they stay things go back to normal and they're constantly harassed. I don't wanna force someone to stay in that type of environment.
Sometimes you have to do what you have to do :)
Plus Wattpad is going downhill so I don't blame you. BUT STAY IF ITS NOT A BIG DEAL LIKE THAT!! :)) DON'T LEAVE MEE

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Yeah. According to his FB profile, he was from Ontario. *shivers* - R.

Well I'm sorry you got a pedo chasing after you.
They're running rapid nowadays.

[cont.] Then he sent me a Kik message and said that I'm pretty and that he liked me. He asked me where I was from and he was like 'Indonesia? Malaysia?' When he knows where I am already. It was all in my WP profile! Bloody creep. Blocked him on every social networking site I joined, lol. - R.

Did you find out who he was?

You should know me, PT. >.< Well someone kept asking me dumb questions and he asked if I had a Twitter or Facebook and I said that all the links are on my WP profile. He requested to follow me and I bet he wanted to check out my FB too but my profile is blocked to anyone who is not a mutual friend.


Bowing down to you because you actually answered that question seriously without bashing Ask.

Lol whys that a reason to bow? xD
Although I do normally bash them...
Liked by: Amber Alyssa

THANK YOU TABITHA MAH GIRL. when i think of your name, Tabitha, i think of Tabby then of a tabby kitten. okayi'mrandombye

Girl it aint no problem! Bootleg books all the way.
I think of cats period. Then animals. And it all just goes uphill. Lol
Liked by: Alyssa

How many teeth do you have?

Sadly I only have 24 when the human should have 32....
I had 4 pulled while I had braces because if they weren't removed, my teeth couldn't be straight.
And I had another 4 pulled when I ha my wisdom teeth taken out.
Guys don't ever believe someone when they say that wisdom teeth being pulled only hurts a little bit. They're lying. It's. freakin. Painful.
Liked by: Amber Alyssa

Surprise beautiful person! Once you get this, you must put it into at least 8 people's asks (anonymously) who deserve it. If you break the chain, nothing will happen, but it is nice to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out <3

Okay I've been deleting these because I don't wanna send them. GUYS I DON'T HATE YOU OR ANYTHING!
I'm just extremely lazy so if you read this, pretend I sent it to you ;)
Liked by: rajatha Amber Alyssa

3 random confessions?

-it's hard being everyone's friend (i mean like. In school) and then have none of them able to come to you for help
Umm. Idk lol.
-I type "lol" a lot because if I don't, anything I say sounds like I'm mad or hate the world.
-and I don't like how people who were your best friends think that after a year of not talking, it's weird to talk to them.
Liked by: Amber Alyssa

that's what i'm trying to do but my friend is being a butt. WELL TOO BAD HE PROBABLY IS SECRETLY IN LOVE WITH YOU.

Please tell me you've read
Leaving paradise
And make her like him! Lol
But girl. No
Liked by: Alyssa

yeah, i mean, he's above average, i guess, but i'm not gonna say i find him incredibly attractive. WELL TOO BAD BECAUSE IT DOES INCLUDE YOU FOR EVERYONE ELSE

Yeahhh. That's awkward. Lol. Just get him the girl.
Liked by: Alyssa

we are stating friends okay and you know what why don't you? just get yo flirt onnnn

No I know you are. You barely find him attractive so I'm not egging that on lol.
Well by "us" I wasn't really including me... Lol.

I deleted my account because there was someone who was kinda freaking me out. - R.

Wait who's this? :O
And what happened

what book is it? o.o

Forget it guys! Omg ! I think I just read a book by one of the bravest authors alive like, what?
It's called leaving paradise but omg guys I read the whole thing in 3 hours and I didn't know it was a sequel until just now and I was flipping out so much oh my gosh that book has just so much romance that's all unique and cute but then drama and so much suspense guys it was so realistic and ugh then there's like five tragedies and I'm making one of the worst grammatically incorrect incoherent run on sentences in history but guys like omg I may not even be on here a lot I'm left in a daze after reading that and I have to find the sequel or else I'm gonna cry myself through life forever there better be a bootleg copy online or something is all I'm saying!!!!
Kbyeguys I gotta go google!!!
Liked by: Amber Alyssa

i'm glad, too. cx i'm like a size 1, so i would probably have to wrap the clothing around me 19 more times. cx

Oh my gosh. I'm a size 3/5.
I would suffocate in a size 1.
I'd desintegrate.
Liked by: Alyssa


I'm glad you can rock my grandmas clothes.
Even though she's a size 20.

That awkward moment when someone neither of us knows likes a question I asked you and your reply to it... have you ever noticed that? Sometimes random people just like one of your questions and then disappears back into the void of the internet?

It is kinda creepy and I'm about to tell him he looks like avan jogia from victorious...
But they're from "the stream" here on ask.fm


Language: English