

Ask @omgpoptarts

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i meant to choose d as an option choice for one question on the permit test but instead i accidentally pressed c so yeah, i failed

You miss one question and you fail?
Liked by: Alyssa

because it's too addicting and i know i'll get sucked in. :( ~ E. C.

Oh. Then just read. Read only books and that's it ;D
Liked by: Alyssa


Yeah I'm not reading it then lol.
"Augustus gluteus will not be harmed! Augustus flutes will not be harmed!"
-Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Idl why I thought of that lol

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i cant ruin it for ya. my friend was hooked on it when i showed her, we had to take turns reading it because i had the book and she didnt. she loved it but hated it because of the ending. so yea. you have to read it to find out!

Thalia Winterstone
I'm not reading it if someone does. So until someone tells me, I'm not reading it lol

basically it's about a girl named hazel who has some lung cancer and goes to a support group. one day, she meets a guy who had cancer but was cured and they start to fall in love. it gives a real insight of cancer patients without much depressing stuff.

Thalia Winterstone
does she die?
Liked by: Alyssa

YOU NEED TO WRITE POPTARTS!!!!!!! LIKE NOW. what i'm doing is classified information. >:) :P lol ~ E. C.

OKAY!! ill proof read then >:( and then if i finish, ill upload.. :'(

People like.. I've forgotten hang on. *looks* ppl like, yay she's gone! etc.

ohh!! hteyre stupid ignorant people. its dumb what theyre doing though

I'm at Barnes and nobles because my dad wanted to get out of the house so I have been here for the past two hours ad I found fault in our stars YAY

Liked by: Alyssa

No I was staring at her trying to work up courage but I chickened out and she left and yes I admit it I'm scared of a five year old

what was she reading?
Liked by: Alyssa

Lol I should but I can't say that to a little kid oh dear gosh no she's tryin to sing maroon five I might have to take you up on your offer.

did you do it?
Liked by: Alyssa

So what've you been up to, Poptarts? ~ E. C.

not writing.
updating people on my school life.
eating junk food
trying out for disney reality shows.
etc.lol you?

like, she will delete it, so I screenshot it so people know you weren't MEAN just truthful :)

ohh. lol if she deleted it, she should never be a published writer. theyll get so many snarky things said to the,. and she cant hide anywhere.

I'm sitting in Barnes and nobles and there's a five year old trying to be the next Bruno mars hELP

go to the child and say "have you heard the story of hansel and grettle? its because they were singing in a bookstore."
Liked by: Alyssa

it is so pathetic. but hey, you know "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." it's so hard though. ~ E. C.

oh no i know that girl. lol. i will.
im just saying. they made me mad. xD

you commented? OMG! I can't wait to see what she says. she will block you. feel free to bitch about it, you amazing human being

if she blocks me i have another account. and then my facebook account that i still didnt even knew exist until like.. 10 minutes ago lol
i can be sort of mean though :( if she snaps....its over

did you miss meh? I missed you! lol. Yeah, I'm Evelyn to y'all. ;3 and oh my gosh. There is so much hate flying around here. :( it's so terrible. ~ E. C.

LOL you saw the hate too? people are pathetic xD
and i get mean when im mad. like. dangerously mean.. :( and i snapped..at one.. i kinda do but dont regret it. i mean theyre saying to people "i hope you die!" "why are you still here? youre fat and ugly" so they deserved it in a way...

http://ask.fm/GRAMILYHATERZZ here, but you talked to jas's haters? they're just... they're horrible. she was feeling so bad earlier today. i hope she's better now though

they havent answered a Q in 3 days and neither have the adriana and alen haters.
its obviously the same person. theyre so stupid omg.


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