

Ask @omgpoptarts

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haha c: lol, i love when i has those moods, they help me write a lot better :3

I hate them BecAUSE idk how to express myself!! Omg!!!

Lol i read them all the time c: they make my day better because a)i'm a hopeless romantic & b)it's just too cute! lol okay c:

So you did read today's update. But glad it makes your day better :)
Ill imagine scenarios later. Lol but I'm in a hopeless romantic mood right now xD

ohmigerd too cute i can't handle this.

I don't see the cuteness. I just feel my elbow lol.
I told him he made it sore and then he like. Grabbed my arm flab (I'm bony. There isn't a lot xD ) and was like "well I have muscle and you have skin."
Because we "hate" each other. Where's the cute?

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Yeah, omg every time you bring up donkey i laugh cx you guys should just get married already, my friend made me pick a wedding dress for my wedding with chase or blake xD

Wait you read the donkey updates? Even from today? Oh my gosh D: I feel completely awkward.
Wait here's more? Gonna read them.
Liked by: Alyssa

i accidentally on purpose clicked on your profile so hi cx (again)

So you got crush stories too? Lol. I saw it xD

oh ok then, because if he had seen the omgpoptarts...O_O

It wouldn't matter anyways. He doesn't have good Internet and doesn't have one of these and would have to learn where the usernames pop up anyways.
But if he does find it, oh well. He probably knows I like him but he doesn't actually know. It's complicated.
Liked by: s

pls get together. i'm like cheering you guys together. and WTF WHY AREN'T YOU WORKING WITH HIM YET HUH?

Charlotte Zielenski
Why?! He told me who he likes a while ago guys. Tabitha wasn't in the equation when i asked xD
...I haven't gotten an application yet... Lol

Do you remember your first day at school?

Yes way back in the year 2000
No are you kidding me? I was four.

Do you realize you live in the same state Jennifer Lawrence is from?

Yup. I also know some more stuff but that's all personal lol.
Same state as jhutch too ;D
Liked by: s

Really? wow lol

Imma continue the story here. Lol.
The guy (i meant guy the first time but i said girl) was like "donkey where's your girl? Why don't you date (making up a name for someone else) Cindy? SHe's cute for you. You can do belly shots with her " and Cindy got up to get more food and donkey was all,
"First of all i hate lemons so there arent belly shots. And if you ever Try to pair me up with her again in your life, you're gonna get smacked. She's ratchet"
(She really is ugly though lol)
So then he put his headphones in and they turned to me and they said "wait who do you like Tabitha? You ain't ever talk about nobody and I know you ain't gay." (Sorry. He's ghetto so I'm typing how he talks lol) and I just pretended I didn't hear him and then everyone at the able was like
"We already know who we likes. " and started pointing to donkey. He wasn't paying attention and I pretended I wasn't.
So awkward.
Then we got to school and he fought me because I stole his sunglasses and wouldn't give them back.
Not real fighting but yeah. . .

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crush update

okay. Lol. I'm on my iphone and its dreadful to type a long story on it.
So today was the orchestra competition thingy and to let y'all know, we got a distinguished on our pieces and proficient on sight reading. Just in case you cared.
Anyways; he knows about my stalker in orchestra and he was watching him all day and would come repeating to me every time the stalker creep kid stared a hole through my body. Well we practiced our pieces before we left school and he was like "Tabitha. Your best friend is making google eyes at you. You better get him. You know you want him." Obviously not though lol. And he was tripping me and everything until we loaded the bus and I got stuck sitting across from him (....like really?....) and he was listening to his headphones most of the time but we were texting each other about his lame songs. Then he forced an earplug to me and I listened to ¿Webbie? For a good minute. Then he took it away and was like. "You're officially black " lol
Then harassed each other a little bit more and before we left the bus, I realized I had no pockets in my slacks (you have to wear all black to orchestra events and dressy) so I asked him to keep my phone in his pocket.
Who would've thought he would get my passcode and start getting into my phone? I mean the code was "4321" but still.
So before we walked in the auditorium to listen to other schools we were out in the hall and he started hitting the backs of my legs trying to make me fall. And almost succeeded. But once you get in there you have to be really quiet or they'll disqualify you.
So I sat next to him to make sure he wasn't on my phone messing around and turns out he was going through my pictures and songs and then he did the worst thing:
He clicked on my Internet.
Guys if you don't know. On my phone I always keep Wattpad and this ask fm logged in. This ask fm. And there are plenty of questions about him on my profile.
He knows I call him donkey.
So of course he clicks it and its already on my profile. He was like "you have one of these?" And I went straight ape. He wasn't trying to give the phone back and started to read some stuff but I got it before he saw anything about him (guys I almost died )
Sooo. Later on I put my arm on the armrest and all of a sudden, he wants it too. So we silently fought for the arm rest for a good ten minutes. He has some muscles because I clearly lost the elbow wrestle match. And I got fed up with it and just put my elbow on top of his since he refused to give it up.
And later I told him about his dimples being a face deformity. Lol
THEN after that, the orchestra went out to eat Chinese and he came over after he ate and sat next to me and then BAM everyone wants to talk about relationships. This one girl likes this guy and it's obvious but she's a player and liked him for three years. He's a player too though. And they were trying to pair them up and then the girl was like "donkey, where's your (I'm out of space)......

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Wait but I figured out what his name is and I don't understand how it relates to a donkey, send me a question and explain it, I won't answer, I'm curious ok?

You know how the name extends? Like. It's not the legal name and there's more to it?
Well switch the last two letters of the full name and that's it. If you read it, it makes sense lol

Why do you call your crush donkey?

Ummm. O_O
Well. I can't actually say because then ill have to talk about his real name and everything but his name somehow relates to a donkey. Lol
Liked by: s

The last time you had fun with your friends?

I have no friends.
Lol I'm jk. Um today.... With my friends.... And donkey....
Liked by: s Alyssa

you'll make it through tmr. then you'll report to us how it went by.

I probably will. But I made chocolate turnovers so you already know well wrestle again because he wants them.


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