

Ask @omgpoptarts

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the guy. yesss he's so cute. But he's 17 but she's like he'll probably date me so idk let's see what happens

Oh cool lol. When do you meet him

Do you prefer rivers, lakes or oceans?

Rivers are dirtier quicker, Lakes have too much algae, and oceans are unpredictable and no one knows everything that's in it.
But without the possible life threatening and traumatizing situations, I like oceans. :)
Liked by: Kareema

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did u get a new years kiss ;) lol

LOL no. We just texted until like 6:40 am that day or something
How was yours?

jerks... but how is it with you and furnace

Lol they're just shocked I guess. :)
Nothing really. He messaged me on fb first on Saturday and we talked for five hours there but nothing besides that. We haven't talked (excluding saturday) since New Years so
Liked by: Lily

i just think it'd be funny if i did. but yeah anyways every person it tell this story to is amazed a guy likes me like this is offense i am not that ugly f off

Don't play with his feelings if he actually likes you. That move creates players and jerks.
They're probably surprised bc it's unexpected and you might get a bf or something lol

it's awks cus i don't like him. But my friends like do you want me to give him ur # ?!?!?

Then tell them no lol

him. And like i've talked to him once why is he so obsessed with me like i'm the last piece of pizza on his plate. sorry exaggeration but u know.

I wouldn't call it obsessed. Just attracted to you

So one of my best friends goes to a different high school than me and i called her one day on my phone. Basically I ended up talking to her "locker buddy" which is this guy named quartz or something she calls him. He was asking for my picture and apparently he even asked my friend if i'd go out with


You are allowed one beverage for the rest of your life. What would you choose?

Pretty sure it'd be water since I can't survive long without it....

would you call me lame if i haven't ever -- EVER -- had a pop tart? :\

I wouldn call you lame in public.
Lol I'm jk you're not lame, just missing out. I think you need to get a hold of it soon before I cry.

guess who's back, back again? I'm sorry it took me so long, I just happened to get really sick into the New Years! But anyways, I wish you all wonderful days and health for the rest of the week! talk to you all Monday!

s e r e n d i p i t y
:') I'll have great dreams tonight lol
Thank youuuuu!!! Byeeee!!!!! Have a wonderful weekend!!!!


It isn't funny okay?
Don't talk about it


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