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GUYS GUYS Spoiler much? I'm still in chapter 7 soo shhhhh. (You and Alyssa) xD

IT'S ALYSSA'S FAULT!! And it's not THAT big of a spoiler. I mean you know it's gonna happen. Just not when >:)
Liked by: elisa

EXACTLY THERE'S NO NEED TO DO THAT. Like I get if there's a reason you have to kill off your main character, but not every single one!

Exactly. I'm getting all upset all over again!!! Ugh!!!! That's why I never recommended her book.
Was cliche anyways lolol
Liked by: elisa

Yeah. Ask me questions about the book. Because I love it as much as Rose loves chairs.

She's gotten over them! (Kind of. Besides her accident in the latest chapter) lol
Liked by: elisa Alyssa

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WAIT I REMEMBER THAT WASN'T IT LIKE A BULLET LIST OF WHAT HAPPENED TO HER CHARACTERS BUT THEN SHE DELETED IT? Sorry, autocorrect is making me go in all caps. But yeah, that was irritating!

Oh she deleted it?! Thank goodness but It can't be un-read. I still remember
"They were on their way to Canada for an anniversary when they got in a car crash which killed (MC boy)" "later she died of a heart attack"
"The best friend broke up with her boyfriend and became an alcoholic and was put into rehab and she later died of lung cancer"
I mean I was furious.
Liked by: elisa

interesting i'll definitely check it out :)

Okay :) you don't have to but you can. Honestly just ask Alyssa questions about the book because its under the humor category , but heck if ill actually know if it is.
Liked by: elisa Alyssa

I read why she fell like a while ago, so I don't remember the ending haha, what happened?

It's not the ending, but the epilogue!
She killed everyone remember? Lol
Liked by: elisa

Your description of Thalia omg xD that was great. Basically, it's a fantastic story about a sarcastic girl who gets super powers and likes to bite chairs did I mention there's RYAN OMG WHEN THEY SPOILER ALERT KISSED I WAS LIKE GAHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Thanks for ruining the story Alyssa!!! Lol ;P
We don't talk about her chair eating habits. Shhh.
I honestly think I write that scene the most awkward way possible. Like. I can't even read it xD
Liked by: elisa Alyssa

What is your story 'Thalia' about?:P

An awkward, blunt, sarcastic teen named rose who is dealing with normal teenaged probs and turns int a superhero because of a dare with her friends.
Then after that its about these "bad guys" that won't leave her alone and are trying to mess up her life.
And there's romance lol
Liked by: elisa Alyssa

u dont have to deal with me tabitha if this is too annoying just tell me becoz i dont want to annoy you at all i could just walk away and leave you quiet and peaceful

No it's okay! :) you aren't annoying me :)
Liked by: elisa

honestly who was that one person who used to annoyed u i wont tell i just have to know tell me the name i wont tell i swear message the name to me and ill reveal u all the reasons why im doing this

Trust me it wasn't anyone that talks to me now. They only asked me like one question before. :) no worries, girl!!! :)
Wait how can I message you, you're on anon? :(
Liked by: elisa

you are absolutely right. tabithaa, if im not annoying u, please tell me something. farah said that im pretending to love what everybody does to fit in . but im not pretending. i do love reading and writing and i just say i dont for some reason. ill tell u late but (to be cont)

You tell people you don't like to write and read, but you do? Oh that's easy just let everyone know you do like to write and read :)
Liked by: elisa

send me an ask question if u think u know who i am u might be right i just. might need someone to talk to right now if thats not too annoying

You can inbox who you are and I won't answer the questions for you? But Maybe. But ill send it anyways even if in rocks S
Liked by: elisa

why do i feel so ignored no matter how i try? i try to be extra friendly but its like i feel like everyone just talks to me because they feel bad for me and like i can never be inside the circle i will always be outside looking in? is it just me or im really annoying everyone?

I think it's just you because if you ask questions, everyone loves you
I think I know who you are but I'm not sure.
Anyways you don't have to "try" to be anyone's friend just be you and you'll fit right in! :) you proabably already fit in anyways :))
Liked by: elisa

Is there that one person that annoys you so much on Ask.fm but you hate to ignore so you don't? You don't have to say the name but is there?

There used to be. But I'm fine now lolol.
There's someone else but I don't talk to them on ask like at all :P
Liked by: elisa

I did a voice recording!! It's on my my page. I LOVE HOW I MAKE one and no one i on

im on!!
but no one was asking me questions or liking or replying so ive been awkwardly chatting random people :( lolol
Liked by: elisa

"If you're just going to sniff me, why don't I just give you my cologne." <<--- Hilarious. Made me laugh in the middle of my friend's dance show which was so hard to pay attention to because Thalia was far more entertaining. <3

Omg don't embarrass your friend because youre reading!!! Lol
But thanks ;D
Liked by: elisa

Um, no. Just thought of a random question... - E. C.

oh... O_O
nevermind LOLOLOL. i chatted you on wattpad but you didnt reply and i had to go.
Liked by: elisa

I know right? Wasn't she like spending time with her sisters ex and then she realized that her sisters ex cheated on her sister or something?

I don't even remember. I try to push terrible books to the back of my mind.
Like "why she fell" on Wattpad? That epilogue made me soooooooo mad like you don't even know.

That summer confused me sooo much. And it was pointless. But OMG I loved just listen! It's my favorite!

Like seriously. The girl Didnt even get a guy. It was about her sisters wedding and was complete crap. Not even cute.
Made me so mad when I finished :((

Tabitha I did a voice recording dear Jesus.

And I made like two more and I sound even more country in each one D:


But seriously confronting is he only way you're going to find out what happened. I don't think he thought his decision through. Just ind out why and well go from there! :))


Any book other than that summer.
Stunk like no other lol
But yes!!!!!! Imma preorder and get one day delivery !!!!!! Sarah dessen for DAYSSSS!!!!


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