

Ask @omgpoptarts

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There was literally too much cute in that answer for me to even function. Please notify me when you two pick a date for the wedding.

Kate that was in December!!! Barely anything has happened now!!! :(
I'm telling you Kate. He probably doesn't even care.

i saw your face bc of the video idgit. i honestly think my grammar is getting worse around you and that doesn't make sense because this is a writing community.

Charlotte Zielenski
I'm sorry I'm having that influence lol. Read Kate's stuff. Wayyyy better grammar xD

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CAN I SAY ILY and seriously hourglass poppy wtf w h y have you been hiding that gorgeous face? and you're countryyyyyyyyyy. i'm wannabe country, like i wear cowboy boots. <3333333333333

Charlotte Zielenski
Omg you heard the country accent!?!!!
Plus if you wanna see my face to to Kate's page. I posted a pic there lol
But thanks Charlotte!! :)

So this curtain incident, yes?

Lol omg. It really wasn't anything.
Well yeah.
So there was an orchestra concert and we were rehearsing it in last period (like going on stage playing and leaving) so after that we set the place up and he had this stalker girl who always said "he has a nice butt" and she had this big crush on him. And they both play cello so she messaged him on fb and said "you're the reasons for the teardrops on my cello" but it wasn't her (she told me) it was her friend who hacked her. But everyone knew she liked him including him and me so I snuck it in once and was like "do you even like her?" And he was all "no. Never. Ew. "
Anyways yeah so she was in front of us when we were leaving the auditorium and I said "oh hey it's your best friend" (being sarcastic) and he just dead panned me because he knows she's stalkerish. Then he was like "no that's YOUR best friend." And then I started talking and it was really random.
Our auditorium has those big stage curtains and while I was talking he just walked up to me and pushed me into the curtains and before I even reacted he like. Grabbed me behind the waist (like the from behind hugs) and wrapped us up in the curtains and lifted me in the air and just held me there. Then he put me back down and never moved his arms or whatever
Then it was all quiet in the auditorium (there's about 40 people (teens too) . It shouldn't be that quiet ) so he randomly let go and sprinted out of the curtains and when I came out everyone was just staring. And then the usual jokes started again. And it was torture. He's peach (your color) so he can blush. I can't >:)

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Tabitha, the hater makes me want to pull my hair out.

Don't rip out pretty hair over someone who doesn't even know how to elaborate on a fight they started in the first place.
They're OBVIOUSLY jealous of how all of us are cute & fabulous and they're not.

Oh and glen. No. Leave her alone she just came here to talk to people. Maybe if you were nicer you could get her to talk to you.

But no. That's probably why you're single, anon. No one would want you with that attitude.
Now go stand in the corner and think about what you've done.

leigh is stuck up daven is egoisitic kate lets face shes a pity-gainer chai has a wierd name alyssa acts like a kid with all the cupcakes tabitha is not a poptart wtf daphne is a wanabe alen is also a wanabe fatima i wont even start avriale seems terrible glen just stfu potato wtf is that name

Oh hey look an attention seeker. LETS GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT!!
You know for a freaking fact that none of this is true (besides me not being a poptart. I mean. Only an idiot would actually think I'm a real poptart in the first place so you can shove it. Like what the crap)
Leigh is freaking British. Don't even start with her. Those Brits have hands. You know she could back slap you into another ethnicity any day. And she's perfect.
Daven is a classy girl with more common sense than you and writes like she's the next big thing. Plus we all know her hair gets more compliments than you and your family combined.
Kate is like the first person I "met" on Wattpad and the first book I've read so that's like messing with a hold good friend. You just don't do it unless you want a body part missing. She had her chest ripped open and her heart tampered with. Didn't know that turned into pity.
You obviously had no dirt on chai. Like. Weird name? You put some thought into that. I'm pretty sure you're just pronouncing it wrong anyways. Her name is really pretty.
Maybe because Alyssa is a kid at heart? Not everyone is bitter and inconsiderate as you. Plus with cupcakes around, who isn't childish?
daphne is a wannabe. A wannabe what? Exactly. She's her own person. Go on somewhere with that junk. Ain't nobody got time fa dat
Alen is gorgeous and once again. What's she "want to be"? Mhm. So Shut it.
Yeah you know not to start with Fatima because you'll have your butt brought through your mouth with a comment about her
Avriale SEEMS terrible. Proof that you don't have your crap together. You're assuming. Thats the Main point in the ratchet girl anthem so what's that say about you? She's extremely nice
Her names not actually potato. Why don't you try to find that out before you say something?
Is this the attention you wanted, Anon? Great.

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moderately bc i want to hear your voice and see your face at the same time, you're gorgeous tabitha

Well thanks Daven :)
Honestly, No one ever says if I'm pretty. But they never call me ugly. So for 16 years I've just been going around... Thinking I look like a below avg person. I never thought I was ugly I just never knew if I was pretty.
Then again I never cared lolol I've said never too many times in this. Smh.

uGH fml i can't watch the video on the ipad, so i have to wait until i'm on the computer... but i did see your beautiful face, so i'm moderately appeased c:<

...well I don't think you heard the voice recorfndubkdfnj wait you did.
Moderately? Oh dear. It was the pimple wasn't it?

One of my friends is crushing on my friend but he's messing things up and I'm supposed to fix everything then there's my friends drama with her ex and more things with the first friend I mentioned and I swear it is irritating, but they're my friends so whatever

Maybe you should tell her to think of solutions herself? Lol having a third person in a two people relationship can get complicated xD


Is today lie to Tabitha day? Must be.
It's been hiding behind my computer screen. Lol
Liked by: Alyssa

haha, no thanks, i think i'm all loaded up on guy drama. and half of it isn't even mine. somehow my friends drag me into their relationship problems. it's always a fun time.

What do thy do?

haha, but kevin doesss. problems? guy problems suck. but hey, they're a part of ilfe, i guess. yeah, i'm indian, but my brother thinks i'm secretly white so you know, i don't know where i really stand xD

Oh for guy probably go read all the crush related posts on Kate's wall. Things get hectic lol

WELL YOU KNOW WHAT YOU SHOULD RECOGNIZE HIS INDIAN-NESS. lol jk, it's probably only obvious to me cause i'm indian too but whatever. but anyway, by being him, that means you gotta thing for janice and her wig made out of chest hair

No. No mon. I don't go that way. I have my own probs lol.
But you're Indian?! :D

he wasn't hispanic. i swear he was indian. cause his last name was gnapoor and that's indian. and he said he only dates women of color, so i think he was referring to brown people. plus, he looks indian.

WHATEVER!! I'm him lololol xD

no, he was the guy who sang at the talent show and threw a shoe at that guy gretchen liked. janice's best friend.

Oh okay. I'm the Hispanic boy.

i see how it is. if i can't be glen coco i can at least be damien. he's too fab.

Who was he again? Was he the crush?

What's one thing you've always hoped to do "one day"?

We all know that "one day" ordeal is just another way of procrastination.
Liked by: Alyssa

but glen probs doesn't lie. well i'm guessing here. you should just accept that i'm the real deal. i'm realer than the real slim shady.

Okay. You can pretend to be glen. And that's pretty much it.
Liked by: Alyssa

I challenge you to put some whipped cream or shaving cream on a paper plate and shove it on your face...... post a video response doing it

Look. I have the brown people hair. And we only wash our hair once or twice a week. And I really don't wanna go bald by washing out whipped cream causing an extra wash. So ill pass lol


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